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“A Complete Disaster” – Nevada Democrat Caucus Volunteers Worry About Potential Tech-Induced Meltdown

Posted on 17 February 2020

The Nevada caucuses are days away and officials are already worried about another tech meltdown.

One Nevada Dem volunteer predicted a “complete disaster.”

The Iowa caucuses were a total train wreck after the Hillary-linked app “Shadow” failed to properly count votes.

The Iowa Dem party released partial, fudged numbers days after the caucuses showing Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders in the lead.

It looks like Nevada is bracing for a disaster too.

Politico reported:

In interviews, three caucus volunteers described serious concerns about rushed preparations for the Feb. 22 election, including insufficient training for a newly-adopted electronic vote-tally system and confusing instructions on how to administer the caucuses. There are also unanswered questions about the security of Internet connections at some 2,000 precinct sites that will transmit results to a central “war room” set up by the Nevada Democratic Party.

Some volunteers who will help run caucuses at precinct locations said they have not been trained on iPads that the party purchased to enter and transmit vote counts. Party officials scrambled to streamline their vote reporting system — settling on Google forms accessible through a saved link on the iPads — after scrapping a pair of apps they’d been planning to use until a similar app caused the fiasco in Iowa two weeks ago.

One seasoned Nevada caucus volunteer told Politico that a Google form will be used to input the vote totals, however this wasn’t even mentioned during the training last week.

“We weren’t told at all about it,” the person told Politico.

iPads will also be used by volunteers to tally up the votes in each precinct which left the older, less tech savvy volunteers worried.

“There were old ladies looking at me like, ‘Oh, we’re going to have iPads,’” the volunteer told Politico.

What could possibly go wrong?

The post “A Complete Disaster” – Nevada Democrat Caucus Volunteers Worry About Potential Tech-Induced Meltdown appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.