Posted on 18 December 2020
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell will soon be sending a letter to several House Committees calling for Congress to rein in Twitter, Facebook and Google after the big tech companies dramatically, and obviously, worked to elect Joe Biden and to censor bad news for Democrats. According to Bozell, “If you value our fair and free elections, you must take action now or by the next election in 2022, or elected representatives will be chosen by Facebook, Twitter, Google YouTube, and our other technocratic overlords.”
The letter has been sent to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the following four committees: 1) House Judiciary, 2) House Committee on Energy and Commerce, 3) Senate Judiciary, and 4) Senate Committee on Science, Commerce, and Transportation.
The letter can be found in its entirety below.
Dear Chairman and Ranking Member:
Big Tech, along with the traditional liberal media, did more than work together to elect Joe Biden. They abused their power to censor news that was bad for Biden or good for President Donald Trump.
Twitter, Facebook, and Google YouTube proved they are emphatically not neutral “platforms.” In fact, they are an indisputable and integral arm of the radical left. Big Tech companies worked intentionally and with extreme prejudice to do everything in their power to support Biden’s candidacy and thwart Trump’s campaign.
Congress has done much to shed light on Big Tech’s malfeasance, but more work remains to be done.
It is undeniable — Twitter, Facebook, Google YouTube, and a handful of other tech companies, are a radical leftist cabal — a very powerful technocracy with the ability to hand pick the president of the United States. They also have the power to shape and bend the public policy beliefs of the American electorate. Big Tech proved it could do both in this past election.
As a nation, we have never faced such a peril to our republican form of government as that which we now face with Big Tech.
As we outline in the attached study, in seven key swing states, one in seven Biden voters (14 percent) said they primarily relied on sites such as Facebook or Twitter for their election news. Such a block of voters could easily determine elections. Big Tech manipulated voters in those swing states through a sophisticated, high-stakes technological game to elect the next President of the United States. Consider:
Before the election, Twitter and Facebook had censored Trump and his campaign 65 times but left former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, unscathed. Twitter was the bulk of the problem, with 98 percent of all the instances of censorship.
A bombshell New York Post report implicating former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, in corrupt dealings in Ukraine was almost immediately suppressed on both Facebook and Twitter. Polling showed that if all Biden voters had known about this story, enough would have changed their votes to swing the election to Trump.
According to an analysis done by Newsweek, the suppression worked. The Post’s story only reached roughly half the audience that other viral news stories reached on Facebook. Anti-Trump stories like The New York Times story on Trump’s taxes reached roughly 5.37 million people, while the Post story only reached about 1.94 million.
The denial of facts from the liberal media left voters in the dark. Fifty-two percent of Biden voters, for example, were not aware that Antifa pages were allowed on Facebook, while many conservative pages had been taken down. Sixty percent of Biden voters were not aware that Facebook and Twitter prevented users from mocking or posting satire of Biden and his campaign.
And yet, Big Tech consistently denies it censors conservatives and the legacy liberal media back them up. According to this unholy alliance, anyone who still persists with claims of censorship is flat out wrong and should not be taken seriously:
“Republicans and right-wing media outlets have been all too happy running with the narrative that social media companies are censoring conservatives, regardless of the facts,” stated CNN Senior Media Reporter Oliver Darcy.
Vox Associate Editor of Politics and Policy Aaron Rupar tweeted in 2018: “.@foxandfriends gave @GOPChairwoman a platform to tout, without any pushback, hoax stories about conservatives being ‘censored’ on Twitter.”
Popular Information founder Judd Legum tweeted in 2019: “The core claim, that conservatives are being censored on social media IS TOTALLY MADE UP.”
This, despite the fact that MRC’s CensorTrack website contains more than a thousand specific examples.
The legacy liberal media ignored Big Tech censorship reports –such as MRC’s – as well as hearings in the House and Senate. The strategy was obvious: make claims of censorship outlandish, without merit, non-credible. But after four years of blatant censorship, and despite what the media say, Big Tech censored conservative and promoted liberals.
And all of this is but the tip of the Iceberg as you will see when you read our report.
Two weeks ago, on December 2, I wrote a similar letter to you about the dangers posed by Facebook. I also urged “Given their massive market dominance and power, if Facebook’s unfair protection from liability under Section 230 is not severely curtailed, Americans will no longer vote for their elected representatives — Facebook will decide who our political masters are.”
We now know the problem is much larger than just Facebook. If action was imperative then, now it is urgent and unescapable. If you value our fair and free elections, you must take action now or by the next election in 2022, or elected representatives will be chosen by Facebook, Twitter, Google Youtube, and our other technocratic overlords.
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss this problem.
L. Brent Bozell III
Founder and President