Posted on 19 December 2020
In January of 1975, President Gerald Ford stood at the rostrum in the House of Representatives to deliver his first State of the Union Address.
The reason Ford was there at all was because, between the fall of 1973 and the summer of 1974, the country had been in a serious uproar over two scandals. The first involved then-Vice President Spiro Agnew and allegations of corruption that resulted in Agnew’s resignation and his replacement by Ford. By August of 1974, President Richard Nixon, on the verge of impeachment over the Watergate scandal, was forced to resign. Making Ford the first un-elected President of the United States.
Thus it was that Ford stepped to the podium to deliver his State of the Union and said something never said before - or since - by a President at that moment. Said Ford:
“I must say to you that the state of the union is not good.”
Houston, we have a problem. Today the state of the media is not good.
What do Hunter Biden, Andrew Cuomo and Eric Swalwell have in common?
All of them have their own very personal problem. Hunter Biden’s problem centers around his exploitation of his father’s office for personal gain. For New York’s Governor Cuomo, it’s a plain old fashioned woman problem, standing accused by ex-aide Lindsey Boylan of repeated sexual harassment. Meanwhile, California Democrat Congressman Swalwell, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, is revealed to have had a relationship of some kind with a Chinese Mata Hari named “Fang Fang.”
But mysteriously these men and their individual scandals are mostly absent from the media. Imagine that.
Start with Andrew Cuomo. As The New York Post’s Kenneth Garger has headlined: "Major cable networks quiet on sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo
Citing the work of the Media Research Center, Garger wrote:
“Several major cable networks failed to report on sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the wake of the Sunday accusations, according to a media watchdog group. CBS, NBC and ABC were all silent on Sunday night — the same day Cuomo’s former aide Lindsey Boylan tweeted out the claims against her ex-boss, according to the Media Research Center.
The group said the same networks’ Monday morning news shows also failed to report on the allegations, which Cuomo has denied."
Imagine that. The very networks that devoted a seeming eternity of hours and days of coverage to the accusation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh did an unproved something with a girl in high school seems to have no time - no time at all - for reports that the sitting Governor of New York, who has been mentioned as a potential Attorney General in a Biden Cabinet, has been accused by his own one-time staff member as follows from her tweet:
Then there is the very curious story of Congressman Swalwell and Fang Fang the Chinese spy. As NewsBusters's own Curtis Houck has noted here, bold print for emphasis in the original:
When it comes to claims of Russian collusion (fake or real), the liberal media have proven to be all ears. But when it comes to the ever-growing threat from China, they’re far less interested. Whether it’s due to their corporate interests, the Communist Party’s tilt, or something else, the outrage was almost non-existent.
So, it was unsurprising to see how the major broadcast network newscasts refused on Tuesday to acknowledge a bombshell Axios story chronicling how a Chinese spy named Christine Fang ‘developed extensive ties with local and national politicians, including a U.S. congressman, in what U.S. officials believe was a political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015.’ That congressman? Eric Swalwell (D-CA).
And, of course, not to be left out is the media treatment of Hunter Biden’s…ahhhh…problems. As noted in this space last week by yours truly, Fox’s media reporter Joseph Wulfsohn did a detailed look at the media’s Hunter coverage, headlining this:
From 'smear campaign' to 'Russian disinformation,' liberal media teamed up to dismiss Hunter Biden story
NPR declared, 'We don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories.'
Wulfsohn went on to list, quite specifically, one liberal journalist or media outlet after another and their quite specific refusal to cover The New York Post’s explosive pre-election story of Hunter’s now famous laptop and its contents that held documented evidence of the Prince of Bidenland’s shenanigans.
Taken individually, any of these three stories are disturbing, and the lack of coverage by the media appalling. But together?
Taken together and what Americans see is a decidedly dangerous pattern of the liberal Big Media making it a point to hide and thus manage serious news. If in fact Joe Biden is installed in the White House, the American people will be facing a serious problem of a liberal media covering a presidency in the style of, say, the North Korean press covering the dictatorship of Kim Jong-un. Which is to say, the one-time watch dogs of the American press - CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press and more - will be reduced to the status of fawning government poodles.
Always eager for a bone from X liberal politician, always willing to slather on the accolades, and, most importantly, always on guard to make sure any scandals or just the mere whiff of bad news is, as was said in Nixon days, “deep sixed” - thrown over the side into the deepest of waters. Whatever story that is perceived as harmful, damaging or merely negative to a President Biden and the world of liberalism will be completely ignored, turning one journalistic institution after another into noting more than government propagandists.
Combined with the censorship proclivities of Big Tech and the American people have a very serious problem on their hands.
The other day, Mark Levin used his Fox television show to say this:
“You’ve heard of the Iron Triangle, but we have more now of sort of an Iron Box. We have Big Tech, Big Media, the Democrat Party and the entrenched bureaucracy. And they all work together and they all feed off each other and they all empower each other. Then you have “we the people.” In this case we had a representative for “we the people” called Donald Trump, President of the United States. And that Iron Box has done everything it can to destroy him and his administration and to handicap him and think about all the successes he has had, even with all of that. And now we have the Democrat Party in Big Media and Big Tech that did many things during the course of this election which they hope would ensure Biden’s victory. Changing rules in violation of state constitutions, changing rules in violation of the federal constitution, and all the rules are changed to do what?
To allow fraud and to institutionalize fraud. They’re not good government changes. No signatures, no matching signatures, no postal dates and so forth. What’s that all about? That’s about corruption. That’s about empowering the Democrat Party, the way they took over California, Ronald Reagan’s home state. And in our own country, the Chinese have penetrated virtually all aspects of our culture and government — Hollywood, the NBA, Wall Street, colleges and universities, Capitol Hill, so many corporations. And now a man who demands to be president of the United States through all this corruption, all this thievery. Joe Biden. The wrong man at the wrong time. And this country is in trouble. And the media is a major reason why we are in trouble.”
Mark hit the nail on the head.
The problem that lies ahead - and it will continue and worsen during a Biden presidency and beyond - is that the American media has absolutely no intention of reporting the news anymore. Their objective is exactly the opposite.
What they are really about is…control. Power. As George Orwell wrote in his classic 1984: “Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”
And at this moment in time in America, Big Media’s lack of coverage of Hunter Biden, Andrew Cuomo and Eric Swalwell is about controlling the present. Their wildly negative coverage of Donald Trump is now about controlling the past - and taken together all of this is about controlling the future.
Which is to say, again, that the state of the media is not only not good -it is dangerous.
Buckle in.