FOX News host Laura Ingraham continued her investigation on Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 election against the Trump campaign and concerns about Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma Holdings.
On Wednesday night Laura Ingraham reported on DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa who was working with the CIA anti-Trump whistleblower to force Ukrainian officials, including Andriy Telizhenko to turn over or compose an anti-Trump narrative for the Democrat Party.
?BREAKING: Andriy Telizhenko-an #Obama-Ukraine-Biden-Corruption conference attendee check in by the #Whislteblower-was FORCED 2 help @DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa undermine @realDonaldTrump’s 2016-but was told not to worry by Amb Yavonovitch because “#Hillary is going to win”
— DrConservaMom???? (@ConservaMomUSA) January 24, 2020
The Gateway Pundit was first to interview Alexander Teizhenko back in December 2018.
Andrii Telizhenko worked as a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC in 2015-2016.
Andrii Telizhenko spoke to The Gateway Pundit on the DNC-Russia collusion scandal.
In early 2016 Telizhenko was approached by DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa. She was still working at the DNC at the time of this interview. She wanted dirt on Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort.
The Ukrainian embassy in Washington DC worked VERY CLOSELY with DNC operative and Hillary supporter Alexandra Chalupa.
Chalupa told Andrii she wanted Russian “dirt” on the Trump campaign.
Mueller had no interest in hearing Andrii’s story. It didn’t fit his narrative.
Mueller and his angry Democrat lawyers were not interested in the truth.
They only want to destroy Trump.
Andrii is speaking out about his experiences with DNC operatives.
He believes he is safe as long as he speaks out.
The Gateway Pundit spoke with former Ukrainian Embassy official Andrii Telizhenko on the DNC Russia-Gate Scandal.
Andrii Teslizhenko worked in Washington DC at the Ukraine Embassy in 2016. Today Andrii is a political consultant. Andrii was approached by a DNC operative during the 2016 election (March-April 2016).
As we reported months and months ago, Congress needs to grill James Comey on the Ukrainian and FBI election interference.
The Deep State DOJ and Andrew Weissmann conveniently ignored the Ukrainian connection to the 2016 election.
The post Laura Ingraham Reports on Andriy Telizhenko and Harassment from the DNC’s Alexandra Chalupa as First Reported at Gateway Pundit in 2018 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.