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New Filing in General Flynn Case Delayed as Judge Mulls Over Need for Evidentiary Hearing – Corrupt DOJ Still Withholding Information in Case

Posted on 25 January 2020

General Mike Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell was on Mark Levin’s show last Friday and she warned that this Friday was going to be epic.  Yesterday the judge ordered .

Last week Sidney Powell dropped a couple of very newsworthy quotes about the Flynn case.

Sidney Powell: Every American should be terrified in what is happening in this case. It could happen to anyone that they want to target and destroy… Thank you so much, Mark. And we’re not going to quit until we win and I’m going to expose every bit of it. Friday next week is going to be phenomenal. It’s going to be EPIC!

Below is a link to the interview with Mark Levin and Sidney Powell:

There are many takeaways from this amazing interview.

1. General Flynn is a patriot and was set up by some criminals in the Deep State.
2. They threatened Flynn to plead guilty by threatening to indict his son
3. The judge overseeing the case is preventing General Flynn from being provided Brady material related to his case
4. Powell listed a battery of documents that the DOJ withheld from General Flynn that would have proved his innocence
5. Powell has withdrawn General Flynn’s plea of guilty
6. Prosecutor Van Grack tried to get Flynn to make a false statement and Powell has evidence of this
7. Flynn can seek an appeal upon sentencing
8. Supplemental brief will have stunning reasons to withdraw the guilty plea this Friday

Yesterday some important actions took place in the Flynn case as Powell predicted:

Here is another excellent Twitter thread from Gigi covering what occurred yesterday:

Friday’s action by the judge delays the hearing even longer.  He should throw it out.  AG Barr should stop it.  The DOJ attorneys like Weissmann and Van Grack should be arrested and charged with crimes.  What a horrible event in US history.

Please give to the General Flynn Defense fund here

The post New Filing in General Flynn Case Delayed as Judge Mulls Over Need for Evidentiary Hearing – Corrupt DOJ Still Withholding Information in Case appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.