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REPORT: Homelessness Has Become The Number One Issue For Voters In California

Posted on 17 January 2020

The homeless situation in California is out of control.

Many cities now have massive tent communities and are dealing with the associated health hazards like human waste and disease.

It should come as no surprise that this is now the top issue for voters in the state.

Breitbart reports:

Homelessness #1 Issue for California Voters in 2020

Homelessness is the number one issue for California voters heading into the 2020 presidential primary in March, according to a new poll by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), as reported by the Sacramento Bee.

More than 150,000 California residents are homeless, according to the latest counts.

The Bee reported Wednesday night:

The poll finds a plurality of Democrats, Republicans and Independents likely to vote in the state’s March 3, 2020 primary election in agreement that homelessness is the most important issue for Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers to work on in 2020. Twenty-one percent of Democrats and Independents called it the top issue, compared to 29 percent of Republicans.

Housing affordability and the environment were the next highest priorities for likely Democratic primary voters, while Republicans were more concerned about immigration and taxes.

Whatever leaders are doing in California, it’s not working.

Pelosi and Schiff are completely MIA on this issue.

What is it going to take for things to change for the better?

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post REPORT: Homelessness Has Become The Number One Issue For Voters In California appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.