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Video: Nadler Goes Nuts, Accuses GOP Senators of ‘Treacherous Votes’, ‘Cover-Up’ and ‘Voting Against the US’ for Rejecting Schumer Subpoenas for Trump Impeachment Trial

Posted on 22 January 2020

House Manager Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) went off on the Senate in a late night harangue, accusing Republican senators of casting “treacherous votes”, participating in a “cover-up” and voting “against the United States” for rejecting by tabling every proposal by Democrats for witnesses and new evidence at the outset of the impeachment trial of President Trump. Nadler was arguing in support of a proposal by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to subpoena former Trump National Security Advisor Amb. John Bolton to testify at the impeachment trial.

Nadler was nasty and insulting to the Senators:

“The President is on trial in the Senate. But the Senate is on trial in the eyes of the American people. Will you vote to allow all of the relevant evidence to be presented here? Or will you betray your oath to be an impartial juror? Will you bring Ambassador Bolton here? Will you permit us to present you with the entire record of the President’s misconduct? Or will you instead choose to be complicit in the President’s cover-up? So far, I’m sad to say, I see a lot of senators voting for a cover-up, voting to deny witnesses. An absolutely indefensible vote. Obviously, a treacherous vote. A vote against an honest consideration of the evidence against the President. A vote against an honest trial. A vote against the United States. A real trial we know has witnesses. We urge you to do your duty, permit a fair trial. All the witnesses must be permitted. That’s elementary in American justice. Either you want the truth or you, and you must permit the witnesses or you want a shameful cover-up. History will judge and so will the electorate.”

Nadler was attacking Republicans, like Romney, Collins, Gardner and Murkowski whose votes he and the Democrats will need later when votes are held after opening arguments next week for witnesses and evidence.

The post Video: Nadler Goes Nuts, Accuses GOP Senators of ‘Treacherous Votes’, ‘Cover-Up’ and ‘Voting Against the US’ for Rejecting Schumer Subpoenas for Trump Impeachment Trial appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.