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After Years of Hiding Emails from General Flynn, His Former Attorneys at Covington – Where Obama’s “Wingman” Is Partner – Suddenly Discover Thousands of Documents Related to Case

Posted on 29 April 2020

President Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder, left a corrupt life in public office and returned to the law firm Covington. While at Covington, lawyers from his firm represented General Mike Flynn and requested dirt on President Trump while withholding thousands of pages of important information from General Flynn. 

Yesterday Covington lawyers suddenly found thousands of emails they were previously required to provide their client, General Flynn, a year ago.

As we reported a couple days ago, after working for President Obama for six years, Attorney General Eric Holder, Obama’s “wingman,” returned to the law firm where he had previously worked, Covington, where he became a partner in 2015.

Covington notes that “In 2014, Time magazine named Mr. Holder to its list of 100 Most Influential People, noting that he had “worked tirelessly to ensure equal justice.” But this tells only a small part of Holder’s story as AG.

Many, including the Heritage Foundation in 2014, identified how corrupt Holder was as AG [emphasis added]:

… the American people recognize that Mr. Holder is an ideologue who considers himself part of Mr. Obama’s political team first and the attorney general a very distant second. His first loyalty has been to helping the president break, bend, ignore or fail to enforce the law, doing untold damage to our constitutional system and the rule of law.

As former Justice Department prosecutor Andy McCarthy has said, the Justice Department under Mr. Holder has become “a sort of full-employment program for progressive activists, race-obsessed bean counters and lawyers who volunteered their services during the Bush years to help al Qaeda operatives file lawsuits against the United States.”

There is no way to know how long it will take to repair the damage that Mr. Holder has done to the management and operation of the Justice Department. One thing we do know for sure — it will take a great deal of work by a new attorney general who is willing to take on the activists that Mr. Holder will leave embedded within the career civil service ranks of the department. And it will take political willpower and steadfastness of a kind that is rarely seen in Washington.

Through his numerous actions as Obama’s AG and “wingman” Mr. Holder proved that he was not concerned with law and the constitution, he was concerned with power.

Enter General Mike Flynn

General Michael Flynn obtained attorneys from Covington to represent him in the filing of a FARA form in December of 2016, shortly after the 2016 election. A few months later, General Flynn’s life was turned upside down and he hired Covington to represent him in charges being leveled by the Mueller gang. Eventually, the Covington lawyers working for the General coerced him to sign a guilty plea on charges he did not believe he was guilty of performing.

After millions in legal fees, and untold negative stories in the MSM, General Flynn obtained new lawyers and over the weekend General Mike Flynn broke his silence after the government finally released Brady documents showing he committed no crimes.

In a tweet, the General released his response to the court where he declared that he no longer agreed to a guilty plea in his case:

In General Flynn’s tweet, he shared a number of devastating points where it becomes clear that his attorneys at Covington, in spite of taking millions in legal fees, were not working in the General’s best interest. 

For example, in one of the first meetings with Covington, Flynn’s lawyers asked if he had any dirt on President Trump.

You can read the 12-page declaration here:

Flynn Declaration by Techno Fog on Scribd

Covington Conflicts

There have been numerous reports in the news of late, since General Flynn obtained former US Attorney Sidney Powell to represent him, that his Covington lawyers had numerous conflicts of interest in his case.

Not only this, but Sidney Powell tweeted that the Mueller gang had a secret deal with Flynn’s Covington attorneys that was not shared with General Flynn:

In addition to the numerous conflicts, we reported in January 2020 that the DOJ’s Trisha Anderson went to work for Covington while they represented General Flynn. To this day we have no evidence that Covington notified General Flynn about hiring one of the individuals at the DOJ involved in the Russia collusion sham.

Covington had numerous conflicts of interest related to their biggest case ever, representing General Michael Flynn in his unjust indictment by the Mueller gang.

His attorneys withheld evidence from their client. They asked for dirt on President Trump. They hired individuals that were involved in the criminal Spygate scandal.

Yesterday Eric Holder’s firm Covington and Burling handed over thousands of more documents to General Flynn:

Covington and Burling LLP, the former defense team for former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, turned over thousands of more pages of documents to Flynn’s new defense team that should have been submitted more than a year ago. Last week, another batch of documents withheld by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team on Flynn was turned over to his defense that allegedly reveals that the retired three-star general did not commit any crimes, as suggested by Department of Justice prosecutors.

There is no way that a partner at Covington like Eric Holder was not aware of the firm representing General Flynn in the biggest case in the US.

This is so corrupt, it makes you wonder if former corrupt Obama AG Holder was involved.


The post After Years of Hiding Emails from General Flynn, His Former Attorneys at Covington – Where Obama’s “Wingman” Is Partner – Suddenly Discover Thousands of Documents Related to Case appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.