It seems like nearly every week more evidence is released that indicates the Seth Rich story has some merit.
Attorneys in a Washington DC court claim that despite numerous requests for information, individuals related to their Seth Rich case are not providing evidence requested. Overall, there appears to be a massive coverup reminiscent of other Deep State cases in the news these past few years.
Attorney Eden Quainton sent a letter dated March 27, 2020, to Judge Richard Leon, where his client is being sued by Seth Rich’s brother, Aaron Rich. In the bizarre case, Seth Rich’s brother is suing Ed Butowsky for making statements that he claims are false.
According the court filing, Aaron must establish that it would be false to state or suggest that Aaron (I) participated in leaking emails to Wikileaks, (2) received funds in exchange for leaking or participating in leaking emails to Wikileaks, (3) interfered with “investigations,” ( 4) “knew the hit was coming” and/or warned Seth that he was in danger and (5) engaged in an altercation with Donna Brazile before Seth Rich’s murder.
In the filing, the defendants note that they have identified 5 email accounts related to Seth Rich. One account was registered after Seth Rich’s death. The defendants also note that Aaron rich received some funds that have not been verified with a reasonable explanation for the reason behind his receipt of these funds.
Here is the court filing via Scribd.
Seth Rich DC Filing -Eden L… by Jim Hoft on Scribd
The defendant is requesting additional information in this case which the plaintiff, Aaron Rich, has not yet provided, like his correspondence with certain redacted email accounts, and numerous other items. Seth Rich’s girl friend and roommates have been identified and some items have been provided, but some not. The DC police department has not provided items to date in the case.
Seth Rich’s work mates at the DNC have been subpeoned to provide evidence, much of which in not yet provided. Michael Issikof, of Steele dossier fame, has been served but refuses to produce documents. Donna Brazile has been served and is providing some documents.
The FBI, the DNC and Crowdstrike (the firm that claims Russia hacked the DNC and provided emails to WikiLeaks) will be served soon. Journalist Sy Hersh, has been served but has not produced documents even though, according to the filing Hersh claimed that an FBI source read him portions of a report that said Seth Rich provided emails to WikiLeaks and requested money in return.
Warren Flood has been identified to provide information regarding the case as well as Craig Murphy who claimed to meet with an individual who provided emails to WikiLeaks. Kim Dotcom has also been identified to provide information. He claimed a few years ago that he was warned not to provide information to the Mueller gang. The list is long and included numerous individuals who have either yet to be subpoenaed or have yet to provide information to the requests.
Last week we reported that Judicial Watch released documents obtained in a FARA request. The emails show that corrupt cops Peter Strzok and Jonathan Moffa were copied in an email regarding a report from Daily Mail where ex-Brit Craig Murray claimed he traveled to Washington DC and obtained Clinton emails in an exchange in a wooded area near American University.
(Here is a link to the article that was shared between the dirty cops.)
It took a thousand pages for Mueller henchmen to bury this deep inside the report.
This is from page 47, Volume 1.
The Mueller gang never looked into the Seth Rich matter and never interviewed Julian Assange from WikiLeaks to determine who provided him the DNC emails which were reportedly the cause of the Russia collusion sham.
For months we have been reporting on the Seth Rich saga where the government appears to be covering up information related to his murder and suspected leaking of DNC and Podesta emails to WikiLeaks.
In a prior post related to this subject we detailed the many actions taken over the past few years to determine if Seth Rich was the one who provided emails to WikiLeaks.
Recently, transcripts of a conversation between George Papadopoulos and a confidential informant believed to be Stefan Halper were released by the DOJ. This transcripts confirm that Papadopoulos was spied on and recorded, two things Papadopoulos was not told at the time of the case made against him by the Mueller gang.
We know from our previous reporting that a Deep State Anti-Trump former Assistant US Attorney claimed under oath that the FBI did examine Seth Rich’s computer and that she met with an FBI Agent and prosecutor from the Mueller gang. This indicates the meeting should have been recorded in a form 302 but the FBI continues to claim no records related to Seth Rich are available!
We reported in mid-February how Attorney Ty Clevenger reported to the courts that despite numerous assurances from the FBI that they had no information related to Seth Rich, the FBI had been caught after emails related to Seth Rich were identified and provided to Judicial Watch. It looked like the FBI was lying to Clevenger all this time. (See timeline below).
(There is much, much more in our prior posts that refer to this matter. Please take a look.)
The FBI continues to lie and cover up its criminal deeds and so is everyone else related to Seth Rich. When will this saga lead to a real investigation of what really happened to Seth Rich and who really provided DNC related emails to WikiLeaks?
The post EXCLUSIVE: Seth Rich Case in DC is Reminiscent of Other Big Deep State Related Cases – Information Comes Very Slowly As if a Cover Up appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.