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Former CIA Analyst and National Security Council Chief of Staff, Fred Fleitz, Praises TGP Post on Bogus Richard Burr Senate Intel Report – Adds More Info in His FOX News Op-ed

Posted on 23 April 2020

Yesterday we reported on the corrupt Senate Intel Committee  report that claims the Russians did indeed impact the 2016 election in their efforts to ensure candidate Trump beat Hillary Clinton.

We also reported that this total garbage tale was promoted by the liberal media for the past three plus years and has been totally debunked.

Former CIA Analyst and National Security Council Chief of Staff, Fred Fleitz, praised our report and added additional perspectives on the bogus Senate Intel Report released earlier this week:

In our post we noted that unfortunately for America and the truth, the Republican running the Intel Committee is Senator Richard Burr.

Burr has been a Trump hater from the start. Burr brought in the President’s son for hours of questioning before his committee related to the event in Trump Tower which we now know was a set up. Burr’s actions are abusive and corrupt.  And recently, Burr reportedly made hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock trades in January based on insider information and is currently under investigation by the DOJ for these trades.

Senator Burr and Democrat Mark Warner, issued their report even though they must have known their report was garbage and has been debunked numerous times already. The 85 page report looked like it was thrown together from debunked information that was first released a few years ago. It literally is a joke but the New York Times praised the masterpiece:

For years, President Trump has derided the assessment by American intelligence officials that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to assist his candidacy, dismissing it without evidence as the work of a “deep state” out to undermine his victory.

But on Tuesday, a long-awaited Senate review led by members of Mr. Trump’s own party effectively undercut those allegations. A three-year review by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously found that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American democracy, was fundamentally sound and untainted by politics.

But, as we noted, this is all fake news.  The report is all about how the Russians created a misinformation campaign in 2016 to help candidate Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the election. They claim a company by the name of the Internet Research Agency (IRA) used social media to conduct the Russian misinformation campaign:

But the report curiously omitted Concord Management, or if it is in the report, it has been redacted. Concord was one of the companies the Mueller gang indicted along with its owner after the 2016 election and is one of the companies under the IRA umbrella.

The Intel report also claims that $100K in Facebook ads stole the election for President Trump:

This is laughable at best as was the Mueller gang’s case against Concord Management and Concord Catering, two firms under the IRA umbrella.  In our post from October 2018 we reported on how horrible the Concord case was going for the Mueller gang.

We noted that at a court appearance, the attorneys representing Concord stated that the corrupt Mueller team’s allegations of 13 Russian individuals impacting the 2016 election were “made up” nonsense. The individuals were not even real.

Concord Management’s lawyers revealed that Mueller’s team had ignored over 70 discovery requests they had made for information in the case. In response Mueller’s team offered to give Concord Management’s lawyers a massive amount of social media data from those dangerous trolls who sought to influence the US election and the majority of the data was in RUSSIAN. Of course, the liberal media in the US ignored this huge development and continue to lie to the US public to this day.

Mueller’s lawyers then admitted that they didn’t even have English translations for the Russian social media posts.

In a follow up brief with the court, Concord’s attorney’s used a quote from Tweetie bird, which was appropriate since the Mueller case was a joke:

A few weeks ago, in March 2020, the Mueller gang dropped their case against Concord Management:

But weeks before the case was set to go to trial, federal prosecutors filed a motion Monday asking the court to dismiss the single count of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. brought against both Concord companies.

“Upon careful consideration of all of the circumstances, and particularly in light of recent events and a change in the balance of the government’s proof due to a classification determination, as well as other facts described in more detail in a classified addendum to this motion, the government has concluded that further proceedings as to Concord, a Russian company with no presence in the United States and no exposure to meaningful punishment in the event of a conviction, promotes neither the interests of justice nor the nation’s security,” the prosecutors wrote.

U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich granted the government’s request later Monday.

In a statement posted Tuesday by Concord on VK, a Russian social networking service, Mr. Prigozhin argued the prosecution’s decision means claims that Russian interfered in the 2016 race are “lies and fiction.”

“I believe that the trial between Concord and the U.S. government is not over,” Mr. Prigozhin said in Russian. “Currently, a Concord v. USA lawsuit is being prepared for unlawful prosecution and sanctions of $50 billion.”

In essence the entire Senate Intel Report released this week was thrown out of court a few weeks ago along with the Concord Management case.

Finally we noted why this Senate report came out now. Former US Attorney Joe diGenova said on Monday that the Durham investigation is being built around what is referred to as the ‘Obama dossier’. This was the report commissioned by Obama after the 2016 election that was miraculously completed in three weeks while Obama was still President which said similar Russian tales as the Senate Intel report released this week.

diGenova says the ‘Obama dossier’ will be the centerpiece of the Durham investigation. This document was put in place to dog President Trump his entire first term.

Fred Fleitz added additional information on the Intel Committee Report

Fleitz wrote an op-ed at FOX News where he shared the following:

In March 2018, the House Intelligence Committee issued a report saying the intelligence community assessment had been politicized to hurt Trump. I am a former CIA analyst and House Intelligence Committee staff member who expressed such views in Fox News op-eds in January and May 2017.

The report released Tuesday was the second Senate Intelligence Committee report contradicting the findings of the House and other intelligence experts. The first Senate report was issued in July 2018.

Fleitz continues:

Accusing the intelligence community of improper “analytic tradecraft” in analyzing Russia’s strategic intentions is an extremely grave indictment for a congressional oversight committee to make. In my opinion, there is no question the House Intelligence Committee is right for the reasons in its 2018 report and other subsequent findings.

Fleitz points out the following reasons for his assessment – only three intelligence agencies were asked to prepare ‘Obama’s dossier’, the CIA, National Security Agency and FBI, and only two dozen “handpicked” analysts.  Fleitz notes the following which the Senate Intel report ignores:

In addition, House Intelligence Committee staff revealed the actual drafting of the intelligence community assessment was done by three close associates of former CIA Director Brennan, who has proven to be the most politicized intelligence chief in American history.

Contrary to common practice for controversial intelligence community assessments, Brennan’s team allowed no dissenting views or even an annex with reviews by outside experts.

The House report also stated that Brennan’s report suppressed facts that indicated Russia would prefer Hillary over Trump and CIA analysts objected to Brennan including low level intelligence in the report.  Fleitz notes that left wing reporters will claim this Senate report is reliable because it is a bi-partisan effort, but he makes a great argument against this:

… it is more reasonable to regard any bipartisan report on this subject as suspicious. Democratic lawmakers have been fanatically united in promoting the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative. So it is impossible to believe that a Democratic Senate Intelligence Committee member would allow any references in the panel’s reports that intelligence was slanted and weaponized to undermine Trump’s presidency.

If information ever reached the Senate Intelligence Committee about Brennan suppressing intelligence in the intelligence community assessment that Putin favored Clinton instead of Trump, its Democratic members and staff certainly would have demanded that those crucial facts never be known.

The Senate Intel report regarding Russia collusion before the 2016 election is a joke (literally).  All members, especially Republicans, on the Senate Intel Committee should be ashamed for producing such a bogus report.

The post Former CIA Analyst and National Security Council Chief of Staff, Fred Fleitz, Praises TGP Post on Bogus Richard Burr Senate Intel Report – Adds More Info in His FOX News Op-ed appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.