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HUGE: More Evidence that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat – Like the Flu It Dissipates in Hot Summer Months

Posted on 23 April 2020

The Gateway Pundit reported back on March 21st that based on the data at that time the coronavirus had reacted negatively to heat. This indicates the virus would behave like strains of the flu and die out in the summer months.

We added more to this yesterday and today we have additional information to support this claim.

In a post on March 21st we reported that there were a number of anomalies with the data related to the China coronavirus. We listed the following observations:

1. The current charts (by entities like John Hopkins) were not helpful as they instill fear and are not relevant
2. On a per capita basis the numbers are less concerning
3. The China coronavirus is spreading but probably not accelerating
4. The coronavirus will decline no matter what the media says
5. You have a low probability of becoming severely ill with the coronavirus
6. The deadly virus will likely burn off in the summer like other viruses
7. As we have noted, children and teens are less affected
8. The fatality rate is declining (the demoninator is rising)

One key observation is that the virus will likely burn off in the summer like other viruses:

The University of Maryland mapped severe COVID-19 outbreaks with local weather patterns around the world, from the US to China. They found that the virus thrives in a certain temperature and humidity channel. “The researchers found that all cities experiencing significant outbreaks of COVID-19 have very similar winter climates with an average temperature of 41 to 52 degrees Fahrenheit, an average humidity level of 47% to 79% with a narrow east-west distribution along the same 30–50 N” latitude”, said the University of Maryland.

The green area in the above map is where the virus is currently thriving. It does not do well in hotter and more humid environments.

Yesterday we reported that if you look at today’s numbers for the US you will see that the number of coronavirus deaths per million is much less in the Southern states than in the Northern states. When we look at the average number of deaths per million for the warmer Southern border states we obtain an average of 70 deaths per million or 50% of the national average.  But when we look at the same average for the northern New England states the average escalates to 293 deaths per million or 213% of the national average.

Today we provide additional evidence that the coronavirus only thrives in cooler, less humid environments.  This comes from John Hopkins University and NASA:

Those areas with similar temperatures and humidity have similar results.  For example, New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Beijing have similar weather and higher than average coronavirus deaths.

Based on the data available to date, the coronavirus is much more common in cooler and less humid climates as was noted in the Maryland study.

This is more evidence that the coronavirus in the US should hopefully die out in the hot summer months.

You’ll never hear this in the fear-mongering MSM.

The post HUGE: More Evidence that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat – Like the Flu It Dissipates in Hot Summer Months appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.