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Hypocrite Alyssa Milano Changes Her Tune on Biden Sexual Assault Allegations By Tara Reade After Being Slammed By Rose McGowan

Posted on 28 April 2020

One of the loudest cheerleaders for the #MeToo movement, Alyssa Milano, has finally changed her tune on the sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden by Tara Reade.

Milano previously called the allegations a “smear campaign.”

The D-List actress sat in the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing as a guest of Sen. Dianne Feinstein and used the evidence-free allegations from Christine Blasey Ford to demand that he was unqualified for the job.

Milano does not seem to think that Reade’s accusations deserve the same disqualification for Biden, of course, even though there are multiple witnesses that were told about the incident in the 1990s when it was said to have happened.

“I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden. I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder. I hear and see you, Tara,” Milano tweeted with the hashtag “MeToo.”

Just a few weeks ago, Milano tweeted “this is clearly a smear campaign” and maintained that she is still endorsing Biden.

The absolute hypocrite.

On the other hand, #MeToo founder Rose McGowan, who starred on Charmed with Milano, has been outspoken in support of Reade without reservation.

“TARA READE IS TELLING THE TRUTH,” McGowan tweeted to her 925,000 followers on Friday.

McGowan has also slammed Milano on her hypocrisy, calling her “a fraud.”

“This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie. You have always been a lie. The corrupt DNC is in on the smear job of Tara Reade, so are you. SHAME,” McGowan blasted the actress.

The post Hypocrite Alyssa Milano Changes Her Tune on Biden Sexual Assault Allegations By Tara Reade After Being Slammed By Rose McGowan appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.