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Useful Idiot Bill Gates Praises China Regime and their ‘Handling’ of Coronavirus — Dumps on US (VIDEO)

Posted on 27 April 2020

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates joined CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on Sunday to discuss the devastating coronavirus pandemic in the United States.

Gates defended the Chinese Communist government for allegations is mishandled the virus in the early stages of the pandemic and could have done more to prevent the pandemic.

Gates said the criricism of China was not timeely and a “distraction.”

Then Gates proceeded to further defend the communist Chinese and dump on the US.

Via Breitbart News:

“I don’t think that’s a timely thing because it doesn’t affect how we act today,” Gates said. “You know, China did a lot of things right at the beginning, like any country where a virus first shows up. They can look back and say they missed some things. Some countries did respond very quickly. They get their testing in place and they avoided the incredible economic pain. It’s sad that even the U.S. that you would have expected to do this well did it particularly poorly. But it’s not time to talk about that.”

“This is the time to take the great science we have — the fact we’re in this together, you know, fixed testing, treatments, and get that vaccine and minimize the trillions of dollars and many things you that you can’t even dimensionalize in economic terms that are awful about the situation we’re in,” he continued. “So, that’s a distraction. I think there’s a lot of incorrect and unfair things said, but it’s not even time for that discussion.”

The current pandemic is not doing much for Bill Gates and his reputation.
What a jack*ss.

Ryan Saavedra at The Daily Wire lists several reasons why Bill Gates is wrong but this doesn’t explain why he is coddling the brutal Chinese regime.

China has falsely claimed that the coronavirus came from the United States Army; tried to cover it up by silencing doctors and journalists who were trying to warn the world; told the world that there was not evidence the coronavirus could be transmitted person to person when they knew for a fact that it could; intentionally lied about how bad the outbreak was and tried to cover up deaths; and is allegedly continuing to withhold critical information about the outbreak.

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