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Weekly Jobless Claims Jump Another 3.84 Million to a Total of 30 Million as Fauci Lockdown Continues

Posted on 30 April 2020

Another 3.84 million Americans submitted jobless claims this week as the Fauci lockdown continues.

Six weeks ago Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx stormed into the Oval Office and warned President Trump that over 2.2 million Americans could die due to the deadly coronvirus.
Their predictions and models were wrong — by about 2 million.
Still the lockdowns continue anyway.

And while Americans are locked up herd immunity will never be reached assuring more dead Americans.
It is stunning that two doctors and university officials could do so much damage and still have jobs?

Via WFAA — Roughly 30.3 million people have now filed for jobless aid in the six weeks since the coronavirus outbreak began forcing millions of employers to close their doors.

It wasn’t the coronavirus that forced Americans into lockdown it was two doctors and a liberal media pushing bogus information on this White House.

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