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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Deep State FBI Asked George Papadopoulos’s Wife, Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos, to Spy On Her Husband and Wear a Wire!

Posted on 24 May 2020

Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos was a young, intelligent and beautiful Italian woman when she met George Papadopoulos in 2016. 

Her life was soon turned upside down.  One item to date has gone unreported until today – the Deep State FBI asked young Ms. Mangiante to spy on her husband.

And now we know after contacting Simona — the FBI suggested the possibility of wearing a wire.  

Margot Cleveland at the Federalist in June, 2018, put together a nice summary of Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos and her life before and after meeting George Papadopoulos in 2016:

Papadopoulos and (vicariously) Mangiante first grabbed the public’s attention when news broke on October 30 that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had indicted him for lying to the FBI. Prior to joining Trump’s campaign, Papadopoulos had served a brief stint with Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s team, and before that he served as a research associate at the D.C.-based Hudson Institute think tank.

Papadopoulos “met” Mangiante, a native of Caserta, Italy — a city of 80,000 on the outskirts of Naples — through LinkedIn, in September 2016, when he noticed their mutual connection to the London Centre of International Law Practice. After sending Mangiante a note saying he liked her picture, the pair began chatting over the internet. They would not meet for six more months, when Mangiante flew to New York in March or April 2017. A love connection sent the couple on a three-month soiree, in which they traveled to Mykonos, Athens and Capri.

Papadopoulos flew home afterward, on July 7, but after he sent a quick text to Mangiante saying he had arrived safely, the FBI arrested him at Washington Dulles airport. Mangiante later flew to Chicago to be with Papadopoulos, and in September the couple became engaged. On Oct. 5, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to one count of lying to the FBI. That same day FBI agents served Mangiante with a subpoena to appear before a grand jury. While the couple intended to marry in Italy in the summer, the case dragged on, so they wed instead on March 2, 2018, in a civil ceremony in Chicago, Illinois.

George worked for the London Centre of International Law Practice in early 2016, when Simona joined in September.  They both worked with Joseph Mifsud.  Simona called Mifsud “sneaky” and in her testimony before Congress that was recently and finally released by House Democrats, Simona reported that Mifsud worked for the Clinton Foundation.

The Deep State FBI claimed that Mifsud told young George that the Russians had Hillary Clinton’s emails and this is what kicked off the Trump-Russia collusion sham.  This improbable and insignificant story that Russia had dirt on the Clintons was no reason to begin spying on candidate and President Trump, as everyone now knows.

One piece of information that we did not know until today is that the Deep State FBI reportedly asked young Simona, now a model, to spy on her husband!

We obtained text messages between an anonymous source and Ms. Papadopoulos.  Our source told us that in the course of a text message conversation with young Simona, it was revealed that Simona was asked to spy on George Papadopoulos.

In the first text message, Simona is presented with an article related to Obamagate and she says:

Simona: L’FBI mi hachiesto di informarli su george .. guando ci frequentavamo. E’ scandaloso – [The FBI asked me to inform them about george .. when we were dating.  It’s outrageous.]
Simona: Non volevo parlare di questo – [I didn’t want to talk about this.]

In the next text message, Simona is asked about a microphone story:

Acquaintance: ma la storia del microfona e vera? [Is the story of the microphone true?]
Simona: Il wire no ricorddo che me lo abbiano chiesto.. [The wire no I remember that they asked me.]
Acquantance: Davvero ti hano chiesto questo? [Did they really ask you this?]
Simona: Ma mi hanno dato un numero segreto [But they gave me a secret number]

In a third text Simona texts that she and George believed she was asked to wear a wire:

Simona: george sostiene che chiedermi di collaborare equivale anche ad indossare una wire [George says that asking me to collaborate also means wearing a wire]
Simona: quello che ho detto a george e’ la verita [what i told george is the truth]
Simona: Che I’FBI mi ha dato un numero segreto offerto protezione e chiesto di informarli [That the FBI gave me a secret number and offered protection and asked to inform them]

Simona: Per aiutare I’ínvestigazioeb [To help the investigation]
Simona: Mentre George era investigato [While George was being investigated]

In a fourth text Simona claims the FBI said to her that they knew of her relationship with George and the discussion goes as follows curiously taking a turn to suggest Simona is a spy:

Simona: Mi hanno detto “sappiamo di connessioni politiche importanti in Europa e della relazione con George” [They said “we know about important political connections in Europe and the relationship with George”]
Simona: Volevano intrappolare me? [Did they want to trap me?]

Simona: O capire se potevo cooperare con loro nel set up? [Or understand if I could cooperate with them in the set up?]

Simona: Certo erano spaventati dal mio background [Of course they were scared of my background]
Simona: Cosa pensi? [What do you think?]
Simona: Perche Occhionero millanta chei io sia una spia? [Why does Occhionero boast that I am a spy?] [Guilio Occhionero is an Italian who claims he was set up by Deep State actors in early 2017.]

Simona: Non credo millanti questo [I don’t think this is bragging]
Simona: Occhionero come me crede che FBI ha creato il Russiagate per cospirare contro il cndidato e President Trump [Occhionero like me believes that FBI created Russiagate to conspire against the candidate and President Trump.]

We reached out to Simona Papadopoulos and she confirmed this information that the FBI asked her to spy on her husband! 

Ms. Papadopoulos shared with us the following:

At the time the FBI approached me at the airport in Chicago to deliver me a secret number, I wasn’t yet married to George, we were dating. They asked me to collaborate and inform them about anything I knew about George or other political figures in Europe ( I believe they were interested in Mifsud ‘s connections, some of them I knew quite well).

At the time, I didn’t quite understand what was going on until George explained to me they were approaching all his friends and acquaintances to spy on him. I called the FBI, I remember from Europe to this secret number, once, when George’s arrest had been unsealed and journalists started literally to contact me every hour.

I was concerned about our safety and the FBI indeed told me it was not a good moment to come to America .. regardless I went to see George a week later again and the rest is history ..Needless to say I never “spied “ on George .. my support to him has been unconditional.

The pressure though was enormous. Having the government on my back was unreal .. My reputation has been slaughtered by some clueless trolls in the process.

Simona Papadopoulos is another victim of the Obama-Comey-Brennan Deep State scandal.
She stood by her husband despite the onslaught by the liberal media.

WELCOME TO AMERICA: Simona Mangiante, Newlywed to George Papadopoulos, Was Falsely Accused of Lying Under Oath But Now She Gets the Last Laugh

This is shocking!  Was this even legal? 

The FBI should not be in the business of asking foreign born individuals to come spy on innocent Americans – especially those they are dating or their spouses.  This is outrageous!

The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Deep State FBI Asked George Papadopoulos’s Wife, Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos, to Spy On Her Husband and Wear a Wire! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.