A massive explosion in downtown Los Angeles has left multiple buildings burning.
Over 230 firefighters have responded to the blaze and ten have been injured.
The fire department issued a “mayday” call and characterized the incident as a “major emergency.”
The business in the building was called “SmokeTokes Warehouse Distributor” and was making marijuana oil products. The same business had another massive fire in 2016.
First responders saw the towering explosion at 327 E. Boyd St which rumbled throughout the block, charring a tall fire ladder, blackening a fire engine across the street, and damaging other equipment, per Scott
Firefighters were seen coming out with “obvious damage and burns.” pic.twitter.com/p7oYh1pPuD
— Jonah Valdez (@Jonahmv) May 17, 2020
Major fire in Little Tokyo/downtown Los Angeles at San Pedro and Third. Dangerously close to Skid Row residents, senior and low income housing. Major smoke screen, ash is raining for blocks. pic.twitter.com/s4coh3xbgq
— sean miura (@seanmiura) May 17, 2020
Sounded like a flyover but no. FIRE! A few blocks away from my loft in #DTLA pic.twitter.com/LOUT21pMAW
— Celia (@5thandspring) May 17, 2020
#USA : Au moins 10 pompiers blessés dans une explosion à #LosAngeles pic.twitter.com/kEXHXQ3vlN
— LesNews (@LesNews) May 17, 2020
KTLA reports that the blast occurred at approximately 6:30 pm while firefighters were responding to a fire at a one-story structure at 327 E. Boyd St., according to LAFD.
“We’re always worried about a secondary explosion, we don’t know what caused the first one and we’re trying to avoid this incident becoming even worse if the second one does happen,” Prange told KTLA.
Firefighters have not yet been able to enter the building where the initial explosion occurred.
There was just and explosion of some sort in downtown #LosAngeles pic.twitter.com/7YgX62nFeY
— Will (@maya0401) May 17, 2020
“My thoughts are with our brave @LAFD firefighters,” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti tweeted. “Closely tracking this situation as we continue to get more information.”
My thoughts are with our brave @LAFD firefighters. Closely tracking this situation as we continue to get more information. https://t.co/uT63AdvHGl
— MayorOfLA (@MayorOfLA) May 17, 2020
This is breaking news and we will update this report as more information becomes available.
The post BREAKING: Massive Explosion in Los Angeles, Multiple Buildings Burning, 230 Firefighters Responding — Ten Already Injured appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.