Former US Attorney Joe diGenova was on ‘Mornings in the Mall’ for his regular Monday morning discussion about news in the Washington D.C. area. This Memorial Day edition was memorable for sure.
The first topic of discussion was the General Flynn case where the judge overseeing the case is making up the law in order to prosecute General Flynn after both parties (the US government and Flynn) agreed to end the trial due to there being no crimes in the case. In addition, the government withheld information pertinent to General Flynn which was against the law.
Judge Emmett Sulivan, who we reported yesterday was instrumental in obtaining a $100,000 speaking gig for fired and corrupt former FBI Director James Comey at Howard University a couple years ago, has gone rogue in the Flynn case. He won’t end the case despite both parties wanting it to end and now the Judge has hired an attorney, Beth Wilkinson, who once represented Hillary Clinton lackeys Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson and who’s married to David Gregory from CNN.
What the judge has done is unprecedented. Judge Sullivan is a mess and should be impeached.
Here is what diGenova said about Judge Sullivan at the :45 second mark:
There’s nothing in the rules that provides for this. He’s hired Beth Wilkinson. Question number one: Who is paying for Beth Wilkinson? Is that coming out of court fees? Is the judge paying for this personally. This question needs to be answered on the record immediately.
But besides that, this is not a regular judicial proceeding. He is not, the judge is not entitled to have one come in and file amicus briefs and defend him. The court directed its order to him. It said to him, “You tell us why we should not issue this mandamus?”
This behavior by Judge Sullivan is bizarre. It’s quite obvious that he has lost it. That he has become vindictive. That the Flynn case, he’s like Captain Ahab going after Moby Dick. I mean this is unbelievable. This is a sickness. He needs to be removed from the case and maybe even from the bench.
At the 6:50 minute mark diGenova says this:
And by the way, let me just make one point. You’ve been hearing all these people say, recently, here’s the new defense: All these people in the FBI and DOJ and in the intelligence community all acted in good faith. They really thought that Donald Trump and his people might be Russian spies.
I want everybody to realize this: that’s nonsense. There was no good faith belief in this. This was a brazen plot which started July 5th, 2016, when James Comey illegally exonerated Hillary Clinton. And then when she didn’t get elected, they wanted to take down Trump and in order to take down Trump, they had to take down Flynn.
Listen, there was no good faith belief. This was a plot from day one. And anybody else, I was watching these commentators this weekend, “Well they might have really believed” – that’s nonsense. That’s a suspension of reality. This was a plot, pure and simple. And you know what? It succeeded but they didn’t get Trump removed from office.
Joe diGenova has been right about just about everything in regards to Obamagate. The heat is on the Deep State – let’s hope we soon see fire.
The post Former US Attorney Joe diGenova on Judge Sullivan in the General Flynn Case: “He’s Like Captain Ahab Going After Moby Dick!” – “This Is a Sickness”! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.