Posted on 23 December 2020
LGBT royalty Billie Jean King and Megan Rapinoe are among the 176 women who signed a friend of the court brief demanding the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (aka “Ninth Circus”) overturn Idaho’s law HB 500 requiring athletes to compete with the teams of their actual gender, not the imagined gender of the far left wing.
According to the Washington Blade, the brief was coordinated by the LGBTQ group Lambda Legal. It states that school athletic participation “provides unparalleled opportunities to forge a sense of belonging, connectedness, and contribution.”
Carl Charles, an attorney for Lambda Legal, said the athletes who signed the brief have “a deep understanding and appreciation of the life-long benefits that come from participation in sports.”
Of course sports provide such benefits and opportunities! But boys belong on boys teams and girls belong on girls teams. At least that’s how it used to be until gender-bending social engineer wackos tried to blur the biological differences between the sexes. LGBT pressure groups are merely enabling the psychological confusion of boys who will be “girls” and girls who will be “boys.”
The Washington Blade’s chief political and White House reporter Chris Johnson swerved way out of his swamp lane to write about the brief, stating:
“The benefits of sports extend to all aspects of school and throughout life. But these benefits are diminished when some athletes are excluded because of who they are. Amici’s experiences in sports and in life are a testament to the value of inclusion in building powerful teams and social, societal, and business institutions.”
That’s inclusion for males with their greater muscle mass who – where they’re allowed to compete on female teams – have obvious physical advantages over smaller females and turn competition into farce. That’s why three high school girls in Connecticut have sued to overturn their state’s sanctioning of an unbalanced playing field. King and Rapinoe have no skin in the game because they only had to contend with female opponents.
King (in above photo), who did not have to compete against Jimmy Connors or any other males when she won Wimbledon in 1973, says, “there is no place in any sport for discrimination of any kind.
“I’m proud to support all transgender athletes who simply want the access and opportunity to compete in the sport they love,” King added. “The global athletic community grows stronger when we welcome and champion all athletes – including LGBTQI+ athletes.” Okay, so you're saying Venus Williams will rejoice if Novak Djokovic, the No. 1 men's tennis player in the world, defeats her in the next women's finals match at Wimbledon?
The Idaho case is officially known as Hecox v. Little. Represented by the ACLU, the male Lindsay Hecox wants to be part of the Boise State University women’s cross-country team. Brad Little is the governor who signed HB 500 into law earlier this year. A lower court ruled against the law previously and the state is appealing that decision to the circuit court.
Many of the 176 women signing the brief in support of Hecox also petitioned the NCAA to cancel Idaho by removing all sporting events in that state because of its “anti-trans law.” That would include pulling NCAA men’s basketball tournament games from the state in 2021.
Alliance Defending Freedom helped craft HB 500, is supporting it at the Ninth Circuit and also representing the Connecticut girls who sued the state’s absurd trans policy.
Nonetheless, the odds are stacked heavily in the LGBT’s favor at the Ninth Circuit, which has historically and obediently carried water for the Left. For instance, just last year the Ninth Circus ruled that Idaho must provide gender confirmation surgery for transgender prison inmates. If it rules against HB 500, Idaho will have to make its last stand in an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.