Posted on 12 January 2021
Tuesday night on the Fox Business Network, Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell joined host Liz MacDonald on The Evening Edit to lambaste a liberal media double standard that ran rampant in 2020 and has continued into 2021 with widespread fawning over New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s failed coronavirus response versus ridicule of Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’s plan to fight the virus.
Speaking of CNN in particular (in light of a petty spat with DeSantis), Bozell astutely dubbed them “the news equivalent of The Jerry Springer Show” with a penchant for the performance art and smugness instead of news, attacking DeSantis and coddling Cuomo from the start of the pandemic to distribution of the vaccine.
MacDonald asked Bozell what he made of CNN’s state of mind after they feigned outrage that DeSantis “was basically putting seniors first before essential workers when it came to vaccinations” by allowing those 65 and older to be vaccinated. Despite CNN’s bellyaching, the CDC recently amended its recommendations to mirror what was done in the Sunshine State.
“[L]ook at the numbers. The numbers tell the story. Again, the backyard of the news media. Look at Florida versus New York. In Florida, 823 people per 100,000. New York, 723 people per 100,000. One — only one-third of the vaccinations available have been given in the state of New York. Only one quarter of the vaccinations being available have been distributed in New York City,” Bozell added.
Bozell also cited out this stunning statistic that 6.4 million doses of the smallpox vaccine “were distributed in the city for smallpox in less than one month” in 1947, but over 70 years later, Cuomo’s New York hasn’t been able to come close with COVID.
Reflecting a broader point about the left, Bozell pointed out how “the left always has to micromanage everything. DeSantis is saying let anybody over 65 get it. And guess what? Today the federal government said DeSantis was right.”
Earlier in the segment, Bozell slammed the media’s disdain for DeSantis despite the fact that, “at the moment that Donald Trump loses,” Cuomo stated on Monday that COVID-related lockdowns and restrictions have to be loosened or else there will be nothing left to reopen.
To make matters even more pathetic on the media’s part, Bozell highlighted how most major news organizations are anchored from New York and thus Cuomo’s ineptitude should be top of mind:
[Y]ou can't sustain these kind of — of standards where people simply weren't allowed to live and the state has been falling apart and everyone has been seeing. At some point, this is really remarkable — at the moment that Donald Trump loses, suddenly, Cuomo says, we can't sustain it anymore, we got to open it all up. The media should be — look, Liz, I can understand the media not covering what is happening in Oklahoma or Nebraska, or Texas. They don't go there. They don't understand those states but we're talking their own backyard that Cuomo and de Blasio have destroyed. You’ve got to be kidding me. One year after you destroy our state, now suddenly we have to reopen it?
To see the relevant FBN transcript from January 12, click “expand.”
FBN’s Evening Edit
December 12, 2021
6:31 p.m. Eastern [TEASE]
LIZ MACDONALD: Still ahead, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on the media double standards, attacking the Florida governor but not going after Democrat governors over their botched COVID response. We're going to show you exactly what went down and how the media really blew it on this one. That story next.
GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS (R-FL) [on FNC’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, 01/05/21]: You know, I think it’s pretty clear some of these networks obviously, they have agendas. They're doing narratives. They're not trying to report facts anymore. It’s all about spinning whatever narrative they think can get ratings. [SCREEN WIPE] And you know what, I don't seek validation by the media. What I seek is supporting the citizens of my state and I can tell you as this pandemic has worn on, the number of times someone has come up to me with tears in their eyes saying if it wasn't for you, my kid would not be in school and I would not have my job
6:36 p.m. Eastern
MACDONALD: Okay, let's welcome back to the show, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell. Brent, your take on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo now sounding like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis saying you got to keep the economy — get the economy reopened because we won't have anything to open if we don't it now. Your take on that.
BRENT BOZELL: It’s stunning, Liz. Oh, by the way, let me say, Liz, Liz, Liz, Ijust made up for calling you Melissa, Melissa, Melissa, last week. God only knows why I did that.
MACDONALD: That is okay.
MACDOANLD: Oh, I don’t care. I didn't even remember. Go ahead.
BOZELL: They hadn't been listening to Liz who has been talking about this for the last year and hundred of Liz's guests who have been talking about it for the last year that you can't sustain these kind of — of standards where people simply weren't allowed to live and the state has been falling apart and everyone has been seeing. At some point, this is really remarkable — at the moment that Donald Trump loses, suddenly, Cuomo says, we can't sustain it anymore, we got to open it all up. The media should be — look, Liz, I can understand the media not covering what is happening in Oklahoma or Nebraska, or Texas. They don't go there. They don't understand those states but we're talking their own backyard —
BOZELL: — that Cuomo and de Blasio have destroyed. You’ve got to be kidding me. One year after you destroy our state, now suddenly we have to reopen it?
MACDONALD: Alright, now we've got this too. CNN complained on the air that Governor DeSantis of Florida was basically putting seniors first before essential workers when it came to vaccinations. Let's watch this.
BIANNA GOLODRYGA [on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront, 12/30/20]: Florida, one of the states bucking CDC recommendations and vaccinating seniors ahead of some frontline workers. It is a massive undertaking an Ryan Young is out front.
MACDONALD: Okay. But then, you have CNN host, saying hey, Governor DeSantis, you're “an ass” for pushing back on our reporter who was saying your vaccinations of seniors are not improving. You're not doing a good job. He was first in the state to say you know what? We’re going to vaccinate 65 and older. The CDC said 75. He said, no, we’re going to do 65 and older. Now the CDC says do 65 and older. What’s going on over there at CNN? They’re trying to have it both ways?
BOZELL: CNN is becoming the news network — the news equivalent of the Jerry Springer Show. The reason that that got testy because this reporter wouldn’t shut up and let the governor answer a question. And that’s the response from CNN when he finally says, please let me answer a question. Yes, look at the numbers. The numbers tell the story. Again, the backyard of the news media. Look at Florida versus New York. In Florida, 823 people per 100,000. New York, 723 people per 100,000. One — only one-third of the vaccinations available have been given in the state of New York. Only one quarter of the vaccinations being available have been distributed in New York City. I came across a statistic today. In New York City, in 1947, 6.4 million vaccines were distributed in the city for smallpox in less than one month. Can you imagine Cuomo being able to pull that? He won't allow it because the left always has to micromanage everything. DeSantis is saying let anybody over 65 get it. And guess what? Today the federal government said DeSantis was right.
MACDONALD: Right. Brent Bozell you're always terrific. Thanks for joining us. We appreciate it.
BOZELL: Thank you, Liz.