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Texas Deaths May Be Due In Part to Biden’s Garbage Climate Change Executive Order and Related Actions

Posted on 20 February 2021

The loss of lives in Texas is due to the unusually cold weather but it may also be due in part to an Executive Order Joe Biden signed on his first day in office a month ago today.

Yesterday we reported on the recent Executive Order (EO) signed by Joe Biden one month ago today regarding climate change and the US’s actions related to it.

EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s Insane Executive Order on Climate Change Gave China Access to the US Grid – Suddenly There’s an Energy Crisis In Texas – Any Relationship?

Powerline reported on the sources of energy in Texas and how they responded to the freezing temperatures these past few weeks:

The best explanation of Texas’s prolonged blackout was published by Mitch Rolling yesterday at Texas gets electricity from six sources: coal, nuclear, natural gas, solar, hydro and wind. How did those sources perform, and what contributed to the blackout?

…As everyone knows, some natural gas pipelines froze, contributing to the blackout. However:

Remarkably, natural gas still generated electricity at 38 percent of its total capacity throughout the energy emergency – providing on average over 65 percent of all electricity generation through Monday and Tuesday – despite roughly 30 GW being inoperable due to frozen pipelines holding up fuel.

It was the “green” energy sources that failed to show up for work:

The three worst-performing generating assets, on the other hand, belonged exclusively to renewable energy sources: solar, hydro, and wind. Had Texas been even more reliant on these energy sources, as renewable energy advocates around the country desire, the energy crisis in Texas would have been even worse.

The problem is that Biden’s actions impacted limited the amount of energy coming from fossil fuels while encouraging the use of the most unreliant energy sources like wind and solar.

USA Supreme reported:

After Texas Gov Abbott declared a state of emergency back on Feb 12 [the] Biden administration ordered ERCOT to throttle energy output by forcing it to comply with environmental green energy standards, knowing full well Texans could freeze to death in their homes with zero electricity as temperatures plunged into the single digits.

Going into effect Sunday, Feb. 14, Emergency Order 202-21-1 shows the Energy Dept. was aware of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s statewide disaster declaration and that ERCOT was readying gas utilities in preparation for a demand surge.

This ERCOT report was shared on Twitter:

It looks like Biden is now accountable for the lives of Texans who froze this past week because they were unable to receive the power that was needed for them to survive – all this in the name of climate change.

The post Texas Deaths May Be Due In Part to Biden’s Garbage Climate Change Executive Order and Related Actions appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.