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WE HAVE EVIDENCE! MI Radical Sec of State Sent Absentee Ballot Application To Foreign Student Who Attended College In MI For 4 Years…Returned To Taiwan in 2004…Her Name STILL Remains On “Qualified Voter” List

Posted on 21 February 2021

The state of Michigan has suffered a huge black eye following the incompetent handling of the 2020 elections by Michigan’s radical Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Last year, with no congressional approval, Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson made the unilateral decision to mail absentee ballot applications to 7.7 million addresses in Michigan, hiding behind the COVID pandemic as an excuse to do what Democrats have been trying to do for decades—normalize no ID mail-in voting.

In 2010, even the far-left New York Times warned of the dangers of mail-in-voting, “votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised and more likely to be contested than those cast in a voting booth, statistics show,” they wrote, adding, “fraud is easier by mail.”

Benson, like Michigan’s radical Governor Gretchen Whitmer, used the Chinese virus pandemic as a tool to strip Michigan citizens of their freedoms, including free and fair elections, by mailing absentee voter applications to 7.7 million addresses in Michigan, many of whom illegitimate voters, including dead people and people who were no longer living in the state. SOS Benson claimed that her office mailed the ballots to qualified voters, but that claim is not accurate, as dead people, international students who no longer live in the United States, and people who have moved from Michigan to another state, also received absentee ballot applications, and we now have proof.

Today, we received exclusive photos of an absentee ballot application from Benson’s Secretary of State office that was mailed to Wen Chieh Lee, a female Taiwanese citizen who attended college at Oakland University in Michigan from approximately 1999-2003.

What’s even more curious than an international student who only lived in Michigan for the four years she attended college, receiving an application to vote in Michigan, Lee never even lived at the address where the application was mailed! The person who received Lee’s application at his home said that he knew Lee while she attended school at Oakland University, but has confirmed that she never lived there or used his address to receive mail. Somehow, Lee’s name was added to the voter rolls using the address of the Rochester Hills, MI resident who knew the Taiwanese student. According to Lee’s friend who lives at the address where the application was mailed, the international student moved back to Taiwan in late 2003-early 2004, and to the best of his knowledge has not returned to the United States since.

Here’s a photo of the application that was sent to Wen Chieh Lee, who incredibly, hasn’t lived in Michigan for 16-17 years:

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s mail-in scandal doesn’t stop with the mailing of one absentee ballot application to a foreign student at the Rochester Hills address…

In addition to receiving absentee ballot applications for Lee, himself, and his wife, the Rochester Hills home resident also received an absentee ballot application for a friend who lived with the family for a short time but moved out of state in 2006. Although Feehong Yee has not lived in the state of Michigan for 14 years, he was still offered the opportunity to apply for an absentee ballot to vote in the upcoming elections by Democrat Secretary of State Benson.

Here’s another image that shows the entire ballot application that was sent to the Rochester Hills home:

There’s more…

As of December 31, 2020, Lee and Yee’s names were both on Michigan’QVF (Qualified Voter File) as of December 31, 2020. Today, we were able to get confirmation that after it was announced by Benson that she had “cleaned up” the voter rolls in Michigan after removing 177,000 illegitimate voters from Michigan’s voting rolls, both Lee and Yee’s names are still on Michigan’s QVF.

Since the scandal at the TCF Center in Detroit where absentee ballots were counted, Michigan’s radical Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has gone out of her way to convince Michigan citizens that the Secretary of State’s office should be trusted, claiming that her office performed “the most transparent list cleanup in a decade,”

Is this the kind of trust and “transparency” Benson is talking about?

President Trump lost the state of Michigan by approximately 154K votes. Michigan’s radical Democrat Secretary of State mailed 7.7 million unsolicited absentee ballot applications and months after the election, has just removed the names of 177,000 ineligible voters. At least two voters who haven’t lived in Michigan for almost 2 decades still remain on Benson’s “updated” version of Michigan’s voter rolls…you do the math.

The post WE HAVE EVIDENCE! MI Radical Sec of State Sent Absentee Ballot Application To Foreign Student Who Attended College In MI For 4 Years…Returned To Taiwan in 2004…Her Name STILL Remains On “Qualified Voter” List appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.