Posted on 12 April 2021
CNN political analyst and journalist April Ryan is the perfect fit for the network because she can boil anything Republicans do down to racism.
Ryan was on CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta on Sunday, where the panel was predictably fawning over former GOP Speaker of the House John Boehner’s new book trashing his former party and Trump supporters, saying it was no longer the party of Ronald Reagan.
Republican commentator Alice Stewart disagreed, arguing that in policies and substance, the GOP was still the party of Reagan, though she blamed the “abrasive personality” of Trump for costing Republicans this past election.
Acosta wondered if Ryan agreed with his last guest, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, that the GOP sticking by Trump would only help Democrats win more elections.
She did, saying that President Trump motivated Democrat voter turnout, but that Republicans’ commitment to election security meant they were racist, of course. She also brazenly claimed, without any evidence, that Republicans were using “underhanded tactics” and “cheating at the polls":
[D]emocrats are winning because of Donald Trump. And that's why you are seeing all of these anti-voting rights efforts, and restrictive efforts. But I will go back to something that Alice said. Alice said you know, right now the [GOP] party right now is the party of Reagan. Maybe, to an extent. But it's also a party that's anti-browning party. This is a party does not like the browning of America. This is a party that's cheating at the polls. This is a party that's doing anything, by any means necessary, to continue the try to win so there are a lot of underhanded tactics that we see that have been placed in courtrooms, that have been placed in the court of public opinion as it relates to the Republican party and their efforts to try to get anything pushed through that they want. So the Democrats are rallying, they’re getting more people. You have got Stacey Abrams and more that are bringing more people to the fold to fight against this at the polls.
Hack journalist Acosta only encouraged Ryan’s ravings. He pressed his Republican guest, “Is April right? Is this a Republican Party that’s against the ‘browning’ of America?”
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Read the transcript below:
CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta
JIM ACOSTA: ...He is saying in this new book, even Ronald Reagan could not get elected in today's Republican party. Do you agree with that?
ALICE STEWART: In some degrees, yes. And as you -- you had a great interview with Harry Reid yesterday. He said John Boehner calls it like it is. He doesn't hold any punches and says exactly what's on his behind. John Boehner is in some degrees rightful the current face of the Republican party is not emblematic of the Republican party of years old. But that is just what we are seeing in terms of tone and tenor. I truly believe the heart and soul of the Republican party is the way it was back in the Ron Reagan era. It is about limited government. It is about free-market capitalism, strong on immigration, religion, pro-life, second amendment. That's what we need to get back to, focus more on the policy and get away from the personalities. Because the brash abrasive personalities that we had over the last five years cost us the House, the Senate -- and the White House. So if we can focus more on the policies and get back to the Ronald Reagan era, that is a winning formula moving forward.
APRIL RYAN: He's absolutely right. Donald Trump, when he was president, and after his presidency, is rallying the Democrats to go to the polls. And Democrats are winning because of Donald Trump. And that's why you are seeing all of these anti-voting rights efforts, and restrictive efforts. But I will go back to something that Alice said. Alice said you know, right now the [GOP] party right now is the party of Reagan. Maybe, to an extent. But it's also a party that's anti-browning party. This is a party does not like the browning of America. This is a party that's cheating at the polls. This is a party that's doing anything, by any means necessary, to continue the try to win so there are a lot of underhanded tactics that we see that have been placed in courtrooms, that have been placed in the court of public opinion as it relates to the Republican party and their efforts to try to get anything pushed through that they want. So the Democrats are rallying, they’re getting more people. You have got Stacey Abrams and more that are bringing ore people to the fold to fight against this at the polls.
JIM ACOSTA: Alice is April right? Is this a Republican party that's against the browning of America? You are from Georgia. They had this voter legislation that was just passed recently. What do you make of what April just said?
ALICE STEWART: No, I disagree with that strongly. The Republican party certainly has lots -- lost crucial races in the past year. But the key is to keep in mind: Donald Trump lost, but he also received 8 million more votes than he did in 2016. So we are having more Republicans coming to the table. But the key is to keep them on board and bring in the people that we lost. I commend Stacey Abrams 100% for the work that she did with her and people like LaTasha Broown rallying voters in Georgia. They won two more senate seats. Hats off to them for the good work they did. But I see that more as their strong efforts and Democrats coming out in the state of Georgia as opposed to Republicans who are sitting at home for any other reason for the fact that they didn't like the way that President Trump handled the election. They didn't like the fact he questioned certification of the election. And they certainly did not like the way that he treated some of the constitutional officers in the state of Georgia. So that was a big factor in why Republicans didn't come out more than anything. More is the tone and tenor of this presidency was the biggest factor.
RYAN: What about Texas? What about Texas? The effort to suppress the black vote in Houston. So let’s go there.
ACOSTA: You know, ladies, we have to leave it at that.