In a tale that’s rife with irony, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot apparently had the police come to her neighborhood to protect her from the violent BLM mobs that she has spurred on. This was after she criticized this same police force earlier in the day regarding the Adam Toledo shooting.
The crowd chanted “Hey hey, ho ho, Lori Lightfoot’s got to go!” as the march started.
“Hey hey, ho ho, Lori Lightfoot’s got to go!” chants at tonight’s protest for Adam Toledo #Chicago #AdamToledo
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) April 17, 2021
“F*** Lori Lightfoot!” chants from the protesters in Chicago as they mobilize once again here tonight #Chicago #AdamToledo
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) April 17, 2021
Note all of the Mexican flags:
Families are at the front lines of tonight’s protest as the crowd makes their way through Logan Square #Chicago #AdamToledo
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) April 17, 2021
As the mobs started to descend on the Logan Square neighborhood where Lori lives, the police eventually intervened:
Melee at Logan Square Park as police clash with the crowd in the streets here at the end of tonight’s protest for Adam Toledo #Chicago #AdamToledo #ChicagoPolice
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) April 17, 2021
Clashes are breaking out between Chicago Police and the crowd here at Logan Square Park #Chicago #ChicagoPD #ChicagoProtests
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) April 17, 2021
They should just lead them right to her house.. Then walk away
— Shanbam (@Shanbam10) April 17, 2021
The same chanters will yell "bootlicker" then tell you to wear a mask and get a vaccine
— Florida gun owner (@AFT_Chairman) April 17, 2021
Radical leftist Lori Lightfoot is no longer far left enough to satisfy the raging mobs.
look at the way they’re pushing and beating people who are already down on the ground, trying to to move back. fuck cpd and lori bitch ass lightfoot demanding this. protesting is a given right so what the fuck do you call this
— idiot sandwich (@___malave) April 17, 2021
Lightfoot and sinema were mistakes.
— MISANDRIST (@BlackLucifer8) April 17, 2021
And we need to apply more pressure on Lori lightfoot!
— Cultured Snacks (@snacks_perry) April 17, 2021
the CPD got completely off on kettling, beating, torturing and incarcerating peaceful protestors last summer with full impunity from lori lightfoot. these pigs have no respect for human life and no respect for our amendment rights.
— somestarstuff (@somestarstuff) April 17, 2021
You may recall at one point last year Lightfoot ordered the police to ban protests from her neighborhood, which was met with harsh criticism from others on her block, calling the charade Fort Lori.
The post BLM Mob Descends On Lori Lightfoot’s Neighborhood, Clash With Chicago Police appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.