Posted on 19 April 2021
Here is yet another reason why no one should take CNN seriously.
The same network that has accused the GOP of “genocide” and ending the country” for violence from Trump supporters on January 6, spent this morning defending a Democrat for what many would call, openly encouraging violence from left-wing protesters (while intimidating a jury!)
California Democrat Maxine Waters went to Minneapolis this weekend to encourage Black Lives Matter protesters to ignore curfews and get more “confrontational” if the jury does not find Derek Chauvin, guilty of murder. She added, "We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business" and that they would "not go away" if he was acquitted. Waters made these comments after several days of violent riots and just hours before the Minnesota National Guard and police were shot at in a drive-by shooting in Minneapolis.
After several Republicans called out the Democrat for "inciting violence", CNN’s New Day spent two segments attacking the GOP instead.
During the 7 am hour, Berman went on a tirade ripping Senator Ted Cruz [R-TX] for calling out Waters.
“That's Ted Cruz of the not accepting the election results before or after the insurrection, Cruzes, which might lead one to wonder if this is a case of the pot calling the kettle, violent,” he mocked. After playing a montage which included President Trump and Cruz encouraging protesters to “fight for the country,”
Berman added, “Also, it's not like this guy is some peaceful prophet of gentility. This is a man who wants to do unspeakable things to books that say mean things about him!” he whined, quoting Cruz mockingly encouraging supporters to burn or take a chainsaw to John Boehner’s book, after the retired congressman repeatedly bashed Cruz to promote his book. Berman ended his rant with this snarky zinger, “Ted Cruz needs to look in the mirror, which can be tough, especially for him because you know what they say. When the going gets tough, the pot goes to Cancun.”
Attacking Republicans with false equivalencies while ignoring Waters continued into the 8 am hour.
Co-host Brianna Keilar was reluctant to criticize Waters but was more disgusted by the Democrat's critics:
Certainly Waters should answer for her words when everyone is on edge. But the irony here is just the stench of it. Republicans like Kevin McCarthy, who has repeatedly given cover to other Republican who have called in such explicit terms for violence. I'm thinking Marjorie Taylor Greene. I'm thinking Donald Trump. The irony here is thick.
Guest Matthew Dowd, formerly an ABC News political analyst, went so far as to argue nothing Waters said deserved criticism. He also likened anti-police protesters to the Civil Rights movement:
It's incredibly thick and so is the hypocrisy on this, not the least to mention January 6th and what happened on January 6th and the number of Republicans that their words incited that. I actually just listened to Maxine Waters. We all have to be cognizant of what we say. I don't think what she said in anyway should, we should criticize her for. Of course, we should be more confrontational. That doesn't mean we should be more violent. But I was thinking about this as I was listening, is Emmett Till was killed in 1955, an all-white jury found the people that did it innocent. Then Medgar Evers, Jimmie Lee Jackson, so many of these folks that were guilty of killings and civil rights were then let off. And the only thing that led to the civil rights legislation to finally pass in 1965 was you know non-violent protests and so I think that's where we're going to end up today. The Republicans seem to me on the complete wrong side of history on this.
CNN's double standards were paid for by CarShield and Liberty Mutual. Contact them at the Conservatives Fight Back page here.
Read the transcript from the 8am hour below:
New Day
BRIANNA KEILAR: House minority leader Kevin McCarthy is calling for action against Democrat Maxine Waters. He's accusing her of inciting violence for remarks she made on Saturday night when asked what protesters should do if Derek Chauvin is not convicted for murdering George Floyd.
REP. MAXINE WATERS [D-CA]: We got to stay on the street. We got to get more active, we got to get more confrontational, we’ve got to get more -- we've got to make sure that they know that we mean business.
KEILAR: Joining us now chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney 2004 presidential campaign and the founder of Country Over Party Mathew Dowd is with us. Mathew, thank you so much for lending your perspective here. Certainly Waters should answer for her words when everyone is on edge. But the irony here is just so the stench of it. Republicans like Kevin McCarthy, who has repeatedly given cover to other Republican who have called in such explicit terms for violence. I'm thinking Marjorie Taylor Greene. I'm thinking Donald Trump. The irony here is thick.
MATTHEW DOWD: It's incredibly thick and so is the hypocrisy on this, not the least to mention January 6th and what happened on January 6th and the number of Republicans that their words incited that. I actually just listened to Maxine Waters. We all have to be cognizant of what we say. I don't think what she said in anyway should, we should criticize her for. Of course, we should be more confrontational. That doesn't mean we should be more violent. But I was thinking about this as I was listening, is Emmett Till was killed in 1955, an all-white jury found the people that did it innocent. Then Medgar Evers, Jimmie Lee Jackson, so many of these folks that were guilty of killings and civil rights were then let off. And the only thing that led to the civil rights legislation to finally pass in 1965 was you know non-violent protests and so I think that's where we're going to end up today. The Republicans seem to me on the complete wrong side of history on this.