Posted on 20 April 2021
In a bizarre Tuesday press conference following the guilty verdict of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) thanked Floyd for “sacrificing” his life (as though it was his choice) and crying out for mother. It was a disgusting display that went completely unmentioned by the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC, though ABC’s World News Tonight was busy falsely claiming Republicans were against police reform.
Fortunately, Fox News Prime Time rotational host and Federalist co-founder Ben Domenech wasn’t going to let Pelosi’s gross exploitation of Floyd’s death slide.
“[I]t seems to me that the way the totalitarian left approaches these issues, they are designed – their whole approach is designed to permit racial outrage, to create division, and then exploit it for political purposes,” he said to Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce before playing this soundbite of the Speaker’s comment:
Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life or justice. For being there to call out to your mom. How heartbreaking was that, call out for your mom, I can’t breathe. But because of you and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came out for justice, your name will always be synonymous with justice.
“I mean, what she’s just saying there is offensive and I would be offended if I was in George Floyd's family to hear that kind of thing,” he added, looking for Bruce to contribute.
Bruce immediately hit the nail on the head by explaining that “no American family expects or wants their child to be a sacrificial lamb to what the American left wants or a political party wants.”
Going further, Bruce expertly noted: “The Democrats see everyone, and I would argue especially who they view as their constituency which are people of color, women, and gays as being cannon fire,” and “a political cudgel for them.” “And obviously, it is really, she’s a labeling him effectively as a sacrificial lamb,” she said.
She then went on to describe how Democrats wanted to gaslight people into believing American had not made progress on racial equality because it was a powerful political issue for them (Click “expand”):
There is, and we have gone through efforts, including the Civil War, including, yes the Civil Rights movement for various American groups demanding through the system we love, through nonviolent disobedience, through the words of Dr. King, through legislation, through like-minded people who we all want things to get better. It improves all of our lives. But this almost fetishizes the pain and suffering of Americans.
And AOC earlier noted in a video, she doesn't want people to think that this means the system is working. And that tells you that they don't dare make progress. That progress for them is a problem because then, what would they argue about? What would they have?
All of us and of course people in the inner-city, they understand this. Whatever your complexion, we are united in this. And there’s some political actors who have an interest in making us suspicious of each other and having us hate each other and to be divided. Americans have rejected that in the past. We’re going to reject it again.
“But at least now, the left, they’re so emboldened that you get them saying it plainly as Pelosi did right there. It is offensive and just obscene,” Bruce concluded.
Domenech capped off the segment by observing that Pelosi was “emboldened enough that [she has] started to say the quiet part [out] loud.”
And imagine if a Republican had said that. They would be enemy number one in the eyes of the liberal media.
The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:
Fox News Channel’s Fox News Prime Time
April 20, 2021
7:37:02 p.m. Eastern
BEN DOMENECH: Tammy, that is the thing that irritates me so much. Because it seems to me that the way the totalitarian left approaches these issues, they are designed – their whole approach is designed to permit racial outrage, to create division, and then exploit it for political purposes.
I wanted to get a reaction to you from this comment from Nancy Pelosi about George Floyd earlier today. Let’s listen to this.
SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): Thank you, George Floyd for sacrificing your life or justice. For being there to call out to your mom. How heartbreaking was that, call out for your mom, I can’t breathe. But because of you and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came out for justice, your name will always be synonymous with justice.
DOMENECH: You know, Tammy, I have this controversial opinion that it's white women who are actually driving the wokeness in America. That they are the ones that drive the phenomenon more than actual minorities themselves. And this is one more example of that. I mean, what she’s just saying there is offensive and I would be offended if I was in George Floyd's family to hear that kind of thing. What’s your reaction to her comment?
TAMMY BRUCE: Look, no American family expects or wants their child to be a sacrificial lamb --
BRUCE: -- to what the American left wants or a political party wants.
The fact is though, the Democrats see everyone, and I would argue especially who they view as their constituency which are people of color, women, and gays as being cannon fire. That what happens in our lives is a political cudgel for them, it is something to use. That comment just laid it out clearly. And obviously, it is really, she’s a labeling him effectively as a sacrificial lamb.
There is, and we have gone through efforts, including the Civil War, including, yes the Civil Rights movement for various American groups demanding through the system we love, through nonviolent disobedience, through the words of Dr. King, through legislation, through like-minded people who we all want things to get better. It improves all of our lives. But this almost fetishizes the pain and suffering of Americans.
And AOC earlier noted in a video, she doesn't want people to think that this means the system is working. And that tells you that they don't dare make progress. That progress for them is a problem because then, what would they argue about? What would they have?
All of us and of course people in the inner-city, they understand this. Whatever your complexion, we are united in this. And there’s some political actors who have an interest in making us suspicious of each other and having us hate each other and to be divided. Americans have rejected that in the past. We’re going to reject it again.
But at least now, the left, they’re so emboldened that you get them saying it plainly as Pelosi did right there. It is offensive and just obscene.
DOMENECH: They’re emboldened enough that they started to say the quiet part loud. That’s what it feels like to me, Tammy.
BRUCE: That’s right.