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“The Truth Is that Racism Runs Through the History of the United States” – Harvard Email to Stakeholders Looks Like It Was Written by BLM

Posted on 20 April 2021

Harvard University sent out an email in response to the recent deaths of Adam Toledo and Daunte Wright.  In it, the University discusses these recent events in a one-sided diatribe that looks like it was outsourced to Black Lives Matter. 

The email, signed by a string of leaders at the University, including the President and numerous Deans, insinuates that innocent Black Americans by virtue of the color of their skin are singled out by police and murdered.

No words can capture the hurt, fear, anger, and grief felt about these tragedies by so many in our community, across this country, and around the world. It is appalling and unjust that people in our nation, by virtue of the color of their skin, face a greater risk of being killed in a police encounter if they are driving with an expired tag or a burnt-out taillight, if they make a rolling stop, if they somehow arouse a store clerk’s suspicion, or if they are just coming home from a family dinner.

It’s really shocking that this once great institution has been taken over by such ignorant, biased, and unimpressive thinkers.  They ignore the virtues of our policemen and policewomen, the good acts they partake in daily across this country, their courage and love for their communities and their fellow men and women.  Harvard ignores our men and women in blue who get up each day and protect communities and people across this great nation.

Instead, Harvard insinuates that all police are bigots, not seeing their bigotry in saying so, and ultimately disparages these great officers and this great country.  Their message also states that this great country is racist and always has been:

Harvard’s motto, Veritas, requires a commitment to truth. The truth is that racism runs through the history of the United States  and continues to have deadly effects on people of color in this country today.

What sick people.  Will they look in the mirror and see their racism?  Who even thinks as these people do?  What are they teaching our children?

The America I grew up with is not the America drawn out by the Obama/Biden Administration.   Racist individuals claim America is racist, oblivious to their own actions and thinking.

Why is Harvard ignoring the murders and billions of dollars of property damage caused by BLM and Antifa over the past year alone?  What are these people at Harvard afraid of?  America is better than this.

Here is the email sent out by Harvard:

Email from Harvard University by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Our universities have been taken over by liberal lunatics.  It will take time, but God-willing America will someday, hopefully not in the too distant future, get back to teaching based on knowledge and our institutions will return to rewarding based on merit.

The post “The Truth Is that Racism Runs Through the History of the United States” – Harvard Email to Stakeholders Looks Like It Was Written by BLM appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.