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“You’re Impeached Forever!” – ‘Prayerful’ Pelosi Giggles and Taunts Trump on Bill Maher’s Show

Posted on 18 January 2020

Democrat Speaker went on with Bill Maher on Friday in her latest stop on her Trump Impeachment tour.

The liberal audience gave her a standing ovation for her political stunt.

Pelosi made clear her actions against the president were nothing more than a political stunt.

The hateful Democrat told Bill Maher, “You’re impeached forever. It can never be erased.”

This impeachment was nothing more than a wicked political stunt to blemish this historic president’s amazing record.

The post “You’re Impeached Forever!” – ‘Prayerful’ Pelosi Giggles and Taunts Trump on Bill Maher’s Show appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.