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Pat Cipollone Accuses Dems of Trying to Steal the Election, “They Want to Remove President Trump From the Ballot” with Impeachment (VIDEO)

Posted on 21 January 2020

President Trump’s Senate impeachment trial began Tuesday morning and his lead counsel Pat Cipollone destroyed the Democrats from the Senate floor.

Pat Cipollone is absolutely brilliant and he has done a fantastic job defending Trump which is why the Democrats are targeting him.

But that didn’t slow him down one bit.

Mr. Cipollone went off on Adam Schiff and the Dems and called their case against Trump “dangerous” and “ridiculous.”

Trump’s lead counsel also dropped a truth bomb — the Democrats, with their partisan impeachment are trying to steal the election.

“A partisan impeachment is like stealing an election and that’s exactly what we have,” Cipollone said.

“Talk about the framer’s worst nightmare; it’s a partisan impeachment that they’ve delivered to your doorstep in an election year.”

“They want to remove President Trump from the ballot,” he added.

The Democrats want to overturn the 2016 election and prevent from winning again in 2020.


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