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President Trump Deserves Top International Honors for Withholding Aid to Ukraine

Posted on 26 January 2020

The Democrat Party is hoping to impeach President Donald Trump this week for withholding millions of taxpayer funded dollars to the Ukrainian regime.

Three Democrats on the team to impeach President Trump also voted against giving Ukraine any financial aid.

Trump was not the first nor will he be the last president to withhold US aid to foreign regimes and partners.

President George W. Bush threatened to withhold loan guarantees to Israel in 2003.

President George H. Bush went even further in 1991 and briefly cut off loan guarantees to the Israeli government over their settlement policies

And in 2014 Barack Obama refused to deliver lethal assistance to Ukraine after Russia invaded Crimea.
Via the Washington Post:

In 2014, after Russia annexed Crimea and began arming separatists in eastern Ukraine with tanks, armored vehicles and rocket launchers, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko came to Washington to plead for weapons to defend his country. In an impassioned address to a joint session of Congress — with Biden sitting directly behind him — Poroshenko said his country appreciated the nonlethal assistance he was getting, but declared “one cannot win a war with blankets.”

President Trump should be receiving top honors not threats of impeachment for delaying US aid to the Ukrainian government.

In the past, politicians abused the US relationship with Ukraine — especially the Biden Crime Family.

US Politics and News reported:

The practice of giving American taxpayer money to foreign countries, along with “free trade” agreements, are a post-World War II development. However, foreign aid and trade access to the American marketplace was always used as a “carrot and stick” approach to reforming foreign countries…

…But then globalists abandoned that policy. George HW Bush threw it out the window, to the praise and adulation of both the New York Times and the Cato Institute. The outrageous culmination of this in terms of trade deals was Barack Obama’s Transpacific Partnership (TPP), which was only defeated by the election of Donald Trump.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had included the Sultan of Brunei as one of the free trade partners of the US in the TPP. The Sultan of Brunei!

Brunei is an Islamic dictatorship that utilizes kidnapped foreign slave labor in its factories. Those “workers” are completely unpaid, obviously. But it doesn’t occur to the likes of Obama and Clinton that this would be an unfair advantage to, for example, textile workers in South Carolina…

…In 2009, the last fiscal year when the George W. Bush administration had set the spending priorities for foreign aid, the US gave up $24 billion in exchange for… nothing at all.

Fiscal year 2017 was Barack Obama’s final year for setting foreign aid levels. In just 8 years, Obama had ballooned foreign aid from $24 billion to more than $47 billion in exchange for nothing at all.

The post President Trump Deserves Top International Honors for Withholding Aid to Ukraine appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.