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Data Suggests REAL Coronavirus Death Rate In L.A. Is 0.18%, And 0.89% In NY

Posted on 27 April 2020

The COVID-19 death rate is likely far — far — lower than reports.

Results of antibody survey last week in Los Angeles suggested that the death rate from the virus could be as low as 0.18% of COVID-19 patients.

The survey found that the number of infections in the city was 330,000, much  higher than the 7,994 infections city officials reported on April 20.

Meanwhile, an antibody study last week in New York City found that 1 in 5 (21.2%) of residents have already been infected with the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Thursday.

There are 8.5 million people in New York City, so that means 1,802,000 residents in New York City have had the virus. At the time, there were 16,249 deaths in the city attributed to COVID-19, which means the death rate was just That means the death rate in the city was .89% at the time.

The study tested 3,000 New York residents across the state — at grocery and big-box stores — for antibodies that indicate someone has already had the virus.

“What we found so far is that the statewide number is 13.9% tested positive for having the antibodies,” Cuomo said. “What does it mean? They were infected three weeks ago and four weeks ago and five weeks ago or six weeks ago,” Cuomo. said. “They have the virus and they developed the antibodies and they are recovered.”

“What you do in a place with 21% is very different,” he said. “The facts dictate the action.”

The Daily Mail reported on Monday that “Coronavirus may kill 70 times fewer patients than official UK death figures suggest, studies have shown.”

Britain has one of the worst COVID-19 testing records, meaning a frightening 13 per cent of diagnosed patients in the UK die from the disease. But this is considerably higher than the real death rate because it does not take into account the thousands of infected people who had mild symptoms.

The Mail said a similar fatality rate — 0.19% — was found in a study of residents in Helsinki, Finland.

The samples were all taken from the region of Uusima, which is home to approximately 1.7 million people – most of whom live in the capital of Helsinki. It found that 3.4 per cent of the population had antibodies. At the time, only 2,000 cases had been confirmed by laboratory tests. But 3.4 per of the region’s population would equate to around 57,800.

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