ABC7 Announced today that California State Universities in the far-left run state will cancel ‘in person’ classes for the fall 2020 session.:
The California State University (CSU) system said it plans to cancel all in-person classes for the fall and to continue instruction online, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
CSU Chancellor Timothy White made the announcement Tuesday, which will affect all 23 of its universities.
More than 770,000 college students in California may not be heading back to campus in the fall due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Basically all the community colleges and universities in California will cancel in-person classes through year-end:
At all nine University of California undergraduate campuses and at all 23 California State University campuses, courses have been moved to virtual modes. Many of those universities initially said some courses that are difficult to transition to online learning, such as lab classes, would continue to meet face-to-face, but even those classes are now being moved online.
All of the community college system’s 114 traditional colleges have suspended many of their in-person classes and transitioned as many as possible online. Regarding lab classes and other courses that are difficult to transition online, the California Community Colleges’guidance to colleges states: “Colleges are moving to using simulation software or looking at simulation software in place of in-person training. Colleges that are still offering in-person training will practice local or state social distancing guidelines.”
California has one of the lowest mortality rate to population ratios in the US at 73 per million, compared to New York’s 1,397 per million as of today. Despite this, the radical, uninformed and uneducated California school system believes that they should continue with the current radical policies that prevent human engagement and limit commerce.
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