Renowned French researcher and physician posted this study today from Spain that found those who were essential workers and were out working actually were less infected than those who were cooped up at home in lockdown.
The lockdowns didn’t work as intended in Spain.
Governement study about COVID-19 seroprevalence in Spain: among workers, those who had an "essential profession" and continued working were less infected than those staying at home. This should lead to a reflection on the role of general confinement.
— Didier Raoult (@raoult_didier) May 14, 2020
BREAKING COVID-19 antibody testing in Spain estimates ~5% infected
-Those in quarantine trended toward a higher infection rate than those working (6.3% vs 5.3%)
-Higher rate of infection in those OVER age 60 (6.1% vs 4.8%)
Challenges the idea that lockdowns protect the elderly
— James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) May 14, 2020
And Japan is the latest nation to see no excess mortality with their policy of little lockdown.
Japan: no lockdown, little testing, no excess mortality.
— Bachman (@ElonBachman) May 14, 2020
Reminder: Dr. Didier Raoult also found great success treating coronavirus patients with hydroxychloroquine.
The post Didier Raoult: Government Study in Spain finds Those Who Kept Working Were Less Infected Than Those in Lockdown appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.