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WATCH: Clapper’s Video Connection Goes Dead After CNN Asks Him About Flynn Unmasking, Felony Leaks to Media

Posted on 14 May 2020

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appeared on CNN to discuss the unmasking requests made against General Mike Flynn.

CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge on Wednesday obtained the list of Obama operatives who unmasked General Flynn and released it to the public.

Names included former VP Joe Biden, former CIA Director John Brennan, Samantha Power, former DNI chief James Clapper, former FBI Director James Comey and others.

The bigger part of the unmasking scandal is the felony leak of Flynn’s classified transcripts to the Washington Post.

We know a “senior US government official” committed a felony by leaking General Mike Flynn’s calls to WaPo.

Clapper’s video connection went dead after CNN asked him about the illegal Flynn leak to the media.


Once Clapper came back, he was asked whether he leaked Flynn’s call to the media.

Clapper looked spooked and denied he leaked Flynn’s call.


It was previously believed someone, perhaps the Pentagon’s Director of the Office of Net Assessment James Baker may have leaked Flynn’s calls with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to WaPo reporter David Ignatius.

Flynn’s leaked calls were published by WaPo’s David Ignatius on January 12, 2017 which led to Flynn being fired as National Security Advisor in February of 2017.

However, the leak came directly from “sources [who] saw a transcript and described it to [Entous].”

Clapper denies being the leaker, but this wouldn’t be the first time he lied!

The post WATCH: Clapper’s Video Connection Goes Dead After CNN Asks Him About Flynn Unmasking, Felony Leaks to Media appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.