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Jesse Watters at Watters’ World Confirms Our Reporting That There Is No Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC and Gave Emails to WikiLeaks

Posted on 16 May 2020

Jesse Watters at Watters’ World confirmed tonight what we have been reporting for years and we were absolutely correct. Deep State participant Crowdstrike had no information that Russia hacked the DNC and then forwarded hacked emails to WikiLeaks. This was a lie!

The release of documents from the Intel Community that were held up by corrupt liar, Rep. Adam Schiff, show incredible information that destroys the Deep State’s many lies. The biggest lie which the Russia collusion sham was based on was the tale that Russia hacked the DNC and then gave the hacked emails to WikiLeaks, who in turn released them before the 2016 election.

The whole story was a lie!

Aaron Mate on Twitter identified the news:


Mueller stuck in the word “appear”when suggesting Crowdstrike determined Russia stole DNC emails in the Mueller report:

On March 8, 2020 and before on June 16, 2019, we presented arguments against the Mueller gang’s assertion that the DNC was hacked by Russians.

Cyber expert Yaacov Apelbaum posted an incredible report with information basically proving that the DNC was not hacked by the Russians.

Apelbaum’s first argument is this –

Apelbaum next discusses Guccifer 2.0 –

In June 21, 2016, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai from Vice Motherboard interviewed a person who identified himself as “Guccifer 2.0”. During their on-line chat session, the individual claimed that he was Romanian (see transcript of the interview below). His poor Romanian language skills were later used to unmask his Russian identify.

…I’m not a scientific linguist nor do I even know where to find one if my life depended on it, but I’m certain that you can’t reliably determine nationality based on someone impersonating another language or from the use of fake metadata in files. This elaborate theory also has the obvious flaw of assuming that the Russian intelligence services are dumb enough to show up to an interview posing as Romanians without actually being able to read and write flaunt Romanian.

After providing a couple more examples of why the Russian story doesn’t stick, Apelbaum closes with this –

The bottom line is that if we want to go beyond the speculative trivia, the pseudo science, and the bombastic unverified claims, we have to ask the real tough questions, mainly: is Guccifer 2.0 even the real attacker and how did he circumvent all of the logs during several weeks of repeated visits while downloading close to 2 GB of data?

Esteemed NSA whistleblower Bill Binney reported in June 2019 that there was no way Russians hacked the DNC based on the speed of the transfer of the data that was hacked. But according to Apelbaum the transfer speeds is a minor issue here. It’s just an indicator that it would have been difficult for Guccifer 2 who was sitting in Romania to access the DNC system remotely.

Per an illustration from Apelbaum, Guccifer 2 is depicted as the red devil icon below:

This illustration shows the Crowdstrike was obviously false in its claims that Russia hacked the DNC.

This is because:

1. If Guccifer 2 did it from Romania (the red devil icon on the left of the illustration), he needed a 23 Mbit/s transfer rate. At the time of this hack in 2016, Romania was only supporting 16Mbit/s speeds. But to do that he had to go through all of the red hell in the middle of the illustration, which I don’t believe he did based on the poor technical skill set he demonstrated during his interview with Motherboard vice.

2. If the leak came from the inside (the half green half red icon in the right side of illustration), he had the full 23 Mbit/s transfer rate because he just plugged-in a USB drive to the computer. He also didn’t need any hacking skills because he most likely had full system access.

Finally, we know that WikiLeaks stated numerous times that Russia did not provide them with the emails they leaked in 2016 and Julian Assange stated that WikiLeaks had nothing to do with Russia.

But of course the Mueller gang never interviewed WikiLeaks in an effort to determine how they received the Clinton emails. Of course the Mueller team could not risk WikiLeaks saying the emails were not received from Russia which would destroy their ‘Russia hacked the DNC’ fairy tale.

Aaron Mate from The Gray Zone joined Jesse Watters to discuss the Russian “hacking” scandal and Crowdstrike.

The entire Russia collusion scam is so full of lies but the biggest was Russia hacked the DNC and gave the emails to WikiLeaks. It was all a big lie.

The post Jesse Watters at Watters’ World Confirms Our Reporting That There Is No Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC and Gave Emails to WikiLeaks appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.