Donald Trump Jr. is not holding back with his memes blasting former Vice President Joe Biden for his creepy behavior towards young women and children.
Over the weekend, the president’s son shared a meme of Biden saying “see you later alligator,” with an alligator responding “in a while, pedophile.”
Trump Jr. wrote in the post, which has nearly 200,000 “likes,” that there’s “definitely way too many Creepy Joe videos out there!”
After the media whined about the meme, he tweeted that the meme was clearly a joke — as most memes generally are.
“1. The 3 emojis in the caption should indicate to anyone with a scintilla of common sense that I’m joking around. 2. If the media doesn’t want people mocking & making jokes about how creepy Joe is, then maybe he should stop the unwanted touching & keep his hands to himself?” the president’s son wrote.
Trump Jr. then tweeted a mock apology to the New York Times, along with a nearly five minute long video of Biden inappropriately being handsy with children.
The @nytimes is right. There’s NOTHING CREEPY at all about how @JoeBiden interacts with the kids in this 4+ min long video.
All the touching & hair sniffing is TOTALLY APPROPRIATE & 100% NORMAL. Everyone does it!
I'm a bad person for mocking him & thinking it's disgusting!!!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 16, 2020
Trump Jr. also sent an “apology” to Jake Tapper, who had feigned offense about the meme.
“Jake, I’m sorry that you’re more upset (Triggered!) about a joke meme than you are @JoeBiden’s gross habit of touching & sniffing young girls,” Trump Jr. said. “I can’t imagine most parents would be comfortable with Biden touching their daughters in the manner seen below…I know I wouldn’t be!”
The Biden campaign attempted to change the subject from Biden’s creepiness to the coronavirus in response.
“No repulsive, manipulative tactic will change the subject from how almost 90,000 Americans have paid for Donald Trump’s coronavirus negligence with their lives and how the booming economy he inherited from the Obama-Biden administration is now suffering from depression-level job losses,” Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a comment to the Guardian.
Biden has previously apologized for being too grabby, and claimed that “social norms are changing” — implying that this was some how appropriate in the past.
“Social norms are changing. I understand that, and I’ve heard what these women are saying. Politics to me has always been about making connections, but I will be more mindful about respecting personal space in the future. That’s my responsibility and I will meet it,” he said on Twitter in April 2019.
The post He’s Going There: Don Jr. Shares Meme Calling Creepy Joe Biden a Pedophile, Issues Mock ‘Apology’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.