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‘A Breathtakingly Overpriced Product’: Mike Rowe Says COVID-19 Has Revealed What College Really Is

Posted on 20 May 2020

If you want to know what’s really going on, just ask Mike Rowe.

Rowe, the former host of “Dirty Jobs” and founder of the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, always cuts through the hype and tells it like it is.

On Saturday, Rowe joined Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” to discuss a slew of topics, including his foundation, the need for craftsmen in skilled trades, and what’s  “happening with higher ed” in during the era of COVID-19.

“Part of the reason we’re locked in this endless feedback loop of nonsense is because we’re in love with cookie-cutter advice, and so we dispense it with certainty – and this is what politicians do to be elected. They have to. They have to say the thing that’s going to resonate with the most people, and so they wind up retrenching to bromines and platitudes and tropes. That’s what ‘safety first’ is,” Rowe said.

“That’s why [New York Gov. Andrew] Cuomo said no measure, no matter how draconian or drastic, could be deemed unjustifiable if it saves a single life. Reasonable people know that’s a lie.”

Then Rowe got around to higher education, with the $50,000 annual tuition and $600 textbooks.

“I think when the dust settles, higher education is going to be revealed as the luxury brand that it truly is,” Rowe said.  “Two weeks ago, I watched on YouTube a lecture from MIT for free, the same lecture that would have cost X thousands of dollars, right? So, I think when the dust settles, higher education is going to be revealed for the luxury brand that it truly is, and when you take away all of the stuff that has nothing to do with learning or connecting, you’re gonna’ be left with a breathtakingly overpriced product.”

The pandemic is going to change all that for college students, Rowe predicted.

“They’re gonna’ find big thinkers with easily accessible ideas who are exponentially more interesting than professors, and soon, I hope, our obscene love affair with credentialing is going to stop, and we’re going to pause in every imaginable way, and look at what is essential – not just in workers or in work, but in education, in food, in fun. Everything is going to be forced through a different filter,” he said.


The post ‘A Breathtakingly Overpriced Product’: Mike Rowe Says COVID-19 Has Revealed What College Really Is appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.