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Eddie Redmayne on Trans Anti-Rowling Rhetoric: ‘Absolutely Disgusting’

Posted on 29 September 2020

Transgender activists are now not only furious at J. K. Rowling for her refusal to support transgenderism, now they’re furious at people who do support transgenderism.  J. K. Rowling has been panned for several statements she made on twitter regarding women and transgenderism. Aside from tweeting vile remarks, people have called for others to assault her, and some have even burned her books.  According to an article on, actor Eddie Redmayne was one of many who didn’t like Rowling's views on women and transgenderism. He himself had acted as a transgender woman on film, and he even spoke up to defend transgenderism against Rowling’s opinions. But he was revolted by the verbal abuse and harassment she received. During an interview with Daily Mail, he told the interviewer that these attacks were “absolutely disgusting.”  Transgender Twitter exploded. The same article on listed tweets posted by infuriated bigots. They called Redmayne a “talentless opportunist,” and “pathetically clueless,” and “a spineless little man.”  One man tweeted “Well, I guess I don’t like like Eddie Redmayne anymore,” as if that would cast Redmayne into an existential depression. Another angrily tweeted that “She is hating on a minority group and is getting, quite rightly, condemned by the public for doing so!” Redmayne has just indirectly proved (as if Rowling didn’t already) that many transgender people and their supporters are closed-minded and intolerant of anything and anyone that does not slavishly support their agenda. According to them, anyone who even protests the meanness of their conduct deserves slander, invective, and unbending hatred. Unfortunately for Redmayne, it seems that he learned this the hard way.