Posted on 28 December 2020
MSNBC hosts Al Sharpton, Ali Velshi and Joy Reid celebrated their network's annual “Revvies” awards Sunday night on PoliticsNation. The virtual awards show split its time between bashing the “worst of the year" (everything Trump) and hailing the "best of the year" from far-left activists and Democrats. “MSNBC Republican” strategist Susan Del Percio also joined the panel of judges.
Opening the show by bashing Republicans and the President with their “ridicu-list,” they moved onto the President’s “worst moments,” which included the “suggest[ion] of injecting bleach.” President Trump won the most “blueberry pie” on their face award, with runner ups Rudy Giuliani, Brad Parscale, and Sidney Powell. This typical hyper-partisan spin was then followed by gooey praise for the left.
For their “Unsung Hero of 2020” Award, Sharpton actually nominated failed 2018 gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who has gotten almost as much praise as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. "Black women activists," “fly on Mike Pence at VP Debate,” and health care workers were also nominated.
After fellow weekend host Ali Velshi picked “the fly on Mike Pence” because he was also caught with a fly on his head during one broadcast, Reid and Sharpton claimed it was a “three-way tie” between the health care workers, Abrams and black women activists:
JOY REID: I'm going to cheat again and I’m going to pick a tie between the health care workers, who I think are the heroes of the whole world. But also the black woman activists. Stacey Abrams, but also people like Latasha Brown. It's a three-way tie.
AL SHARPTON: Absolutely.
JOY REID: I have to say these health care workers are battling -- they're fighting a war against COVID. And they could not, I don't believe we as a country could not have taken four more years of this kind of leadership. And I think about what they'd be going through if people like Latasha Brown, people like Stacey Abrams, if the Black Lives Matter activists, if the WNBA, you know strong young women hadn't come out and said we are changing the politics of this country for the better. We are going to stop Donald Trump and make him a one-term president. I thank God every day for the activists who won this election.
SHARPTON: Absolutely.
REID: The voters and activists who made it happen. We can't do four more years of that.
SHARPTON: Absolutely. I think it's a three-way tie, the health care workers, absolutely and certainly Stacey and the black women activists that did Black Lives Matter and the commitment March, Ebony Riley and others.
REID: Yes.
Right afterwards, Sharpton's comment was even more laughable and a pitiful reminder of the media's double standards during this chaotic year:
“And you must remember, unlike Ali, when I was a kid in the Civil Rights movement, we did this one this year in a pandemic. We had to organize huge marches and hope nobody got sick,” he gushed as Reid and Velshi agreed.
Back in March, Velshi was outraged by President Trump defending keeping churches open during the pandemic, even calling it "a violation of church and state." But large BLM protests and Antifa riots were perfectly fine to MSNBC.
There were other Trump-bashing categories as well such as "worst Trump tweet," and best "tell-all book" which they awarded to Sharpton himself and Mary Trump, respectively.
American Home Shield and Nicorette sponsored this segment, you can contact them at the Conservatives Fight Back page here.