Posted on 22 February 2021
It’s bad enough that Saturday Night Live is unfunny liberal propaganda, but is the NBC show now engaging in anti-Semitic tropes? During the “Weekend Update” segment of Saturday’s episode, comedian Michael Che offered this “joke”: “Israel is reporting that they have vaccinated half their population. And I’m going to guess it’s the Jewish half.”
It's lame, not funny, and false. Here’s the cringe-inducing video:
The American Jewish Committee’s David Harris decried:
Former Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer condemned the joke as “vile.”
This is the same “Weekend Update” that, in 2018, trashed then-congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw, a military vet who lost his eye to an IED blast, as a “hitman in a porno movie.” SNL's Pete Davidson was later forced to apologize. Will the show apologize for this vile "joke"?
The latest hate by Saturday Night Live was sponsored by Samsung and Jeep. Click on the links to let them know what you think.