Posted on 25 February 2021
Just like last week, ABC relegated their coverage of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's latest scandal to their daytime political talk show, The View.
On Thursday, the hosts discussed what should happen to Cuomo after a former aide accused him of sexual harassment, unwanted kissing and bullying. Co-host Sara Haines said he should resign based off both Boylan's claims and his nursing home scandal (if the former proves to be true).
Joy Behar reluctantly agreed, bragging that Democrats do the right thing when it comes to accusations of sexual harassment/assault.
“I'm sure the Democrats will be quick to remove him if it all comes out in the wash because that's what the Democrats do. Case in point, Al Franken. Bye-bye,” Behar said sarcastically before trying to turn the tables and claim that claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, among other Republicans, were credible and weren’t investigated:
So I would like to also add that these allegations should be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated just like the following. Jim Jordan, covering up and failing to report sexual abuse of minors by former members of the Ohio state university wrestling team, Brett Kavanaugh, the FBI did a hurried three-day investigation into credible claims from multiple women. Remember that? It was, like, oh, we're done. We're done, and of course, Donald Trump who is accused of upwards of 25 women who have accused him of sexual misconduct. If you are going to investigate Cuomo, you better investigate these other people. That's all I'm saying.
This is, as President Biden would say, a bunch of malarkey. Joy Behar was the most vocal defender of former Democrat Senator Al Franken (MN) when he was accused of groping and kissing a woman without her consent and touching another woman inappropriately. When these women came forward in 2017, Behar carelessly shrugged off their claims, calling the accusations against Franken, "odd." Months later, Behar berated Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) on the show, saying she shouldn’t have pressured Franken to resign. In 2019, Behar and Sunny Hostin demanded justice for the Democrat, and claimed his accuser had holes in her story.
Yet at the same time this the duo were vehement in declaring Justice Kavanaugh guilty of attempted rape. Behar claimed Kavanaugh was a “probably guilty” and an “angry drunk” “frat boy.” Sunny Hostin suggested that it didn’t matter how no one corroborated Christine Blasey Ford’s story; her “truth” was enough to convict Kavanaugh.
Moments later, Meghan McCain brought up this Democrat double standard and tore into the media for protecting Cuomo:
Apparently if you are Governor Cuomo and your brother is the host of a big CNN show, and you're a Democrat, then he has a completely double standard, and I have to tell you other than on this show, there's a lot of people in the media, on CNN and MSNBC and other places that are really, really silent when it comes to any bad behavior in regards to Governor Cuomo. We can't live in a country and a time where Democrats say believe all women, oh, except if your politics don't align...I would really like to hear from a lot of people in democratic leadership who are, you know, absolutely vociferous in defending Christine Blasey Ford, and how you feel about that, and attacking Supreme Court justices about it, and now are completely silent. I just think it's completely hypocritical, and I hope that Kirsten Gillibrand comes out with a statement today.
While NBC and CBS’s morning shows covered this latest Cuomo scandal Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America ignored it.
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Read the transcript below:
The View
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Okay. What do you think about these allegations, Joy?
JOY BEHAR: I think they're pretty bad. His office has denied the allegations, but they're pretty specific as Sara pointed out. They have been corroborated by at least one other aide, so it definitely merits investigation. I'm sure the Democrats will be quick to remove him if it all comes out in the wash because that's what the Democrats do. Case in point, Al Franken. Bye-bye. Okay. So I would like to also add that these allegations should be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated just like the following: Jim Jordan, covering up and failing to report sexual abuse of minors by former members of the Ohio State University wrestling team, Brett Kavanaugh, the FBI did a hurried three-day investigation into credible claims from multiple women. Remember that? It was, like, oh, we're done. We're done, and of course, his nibs himself, Donald Trump, who is accused of upwards of 25 women have accused him of sexual misconduct. If you are going to investigate Cuomo, you better investigate these other people. That's all I'm saying.
WHOOPI GOLDBERG: And Meghan, what's your thoughts on all this?
MEGHAN MCCAIN: I'm really glad Joy brought up Brett Kavanaugh. I actually want to read you a quote, about Andrew Cuomo, what he said about Kavanaugh: “To Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and all survivors of sexual assault, we believe you, and we will fight for you.” By his own metric, believe all women, he is a pervert who harassed women, and he should resign immediately. I agree. The silence of so many people in the media and so many, Democrat politicians like Kirsten Gillibrand who has been at the forefront of sexual harassment cases and the Me Too movement against women, she hasn't said anything today. Apparently if you are Governor Cuomo and your brother is the host of a big CNN show, and you're a Democrat, then he has a completely double standard, and I have to tell you other than on this show, there's a lot of people in the media, on CNN and MSNBC and other places that are really, really silent when it comes to any bad behavior in regards to Governor Cuomo. We can't live in a country and a time where Democrats say believe all women, oh, except if your politics don't align, and it gives -- I feel really bad for the woman who is accusing him right now because there's a feeling that if your politics don't align in the right way, that your accusations and your experiences being sexually harassed somehow means something different, and I think it sends an extremely bad message, and I would really like to hear from a lot of people in democratic leadership who are, you know, absolutely vociferous in defending Christine Blasey Ford, and how you feel about that, and attacking Supreme Court justices about it, and now are completely silent. I just think it's completely hypocritical, and I hope that Kirsten Gillibrand comes out with a statement today.