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You’re Kidding Me, Right? CNN Whines Fox News Chyrons Are Too Mean to Biden

Posted on 19 April 2021

CNN, of all places, had the audacity to complain about loaded chyrons from their competitors at Fox News. On New Day, new co-host Brianna Keilar ended the 7am hour tearing into Fox for “conspiracy theories and fear mongering,” a rich accusation coming from the network who pushed the Russian collusion conspiracy hysteria for years and spent nearly all of 2020 blaming Donald Trump for every coronavirus case. The former afternoon host launched into one of her signature snarky takedowns, today targeting Fox News’ headlines "in the era of President Joe Biden.” She complained: Fox in the era of President Joe Biden is a carousel of conspiracy theories and fear mongering. So really, what I'm saying is not much has changed.But the chyrons -- those headlines that you see at the bottom of your screen -- they are getting noticeably more creative. Fox uses them to push their conspiracy theory that Biden is, essentially, senile.     She blasted one example:  KEILAR: Another is this guy -- the infamous Fox doc they have on to give a, quote, "virtual medical examination." Then reaching the evidence-free conclusion that Biden is off his rocker and pushes the conspiracy theory that he's a puppet of a deep state. FOX NEWS CHYRON: "Who Is Pulling The Strings In the Biden White House?"-Dinesh D'Souza KEILAR: See the question mark there? That's really just a fig leaf for a conspiracy theory. Like ‘what? I didn't say it, I'm just asking a question.’ She actually says this with a straight face. Do we really have to rehash how many times CNN brought on armchair psychologists, doctors and even their own political analysts to diagnose President Trump as a murderous sociopath or dangerous narcissist who was lying about his degrading health? It was a recurring theme on CNN during the Trump era. So was adding a snippy qualifier to literally anything the president said in their chyrons ("without evidence," or "it isn't" were two of their favorites). Yet Keilar was upset by opinion hosts like Sean Hannity's snarky chyrons about Biden's speeches being rambling and incoherent. From there, she complained about Fox “loving” culture wars like Dr. Seuss before being offended at the notion that the left is stoking a race war: There's the broad, evidence-free declaration that the left is currently engaged in a race war ("String of Hate Crimes Hoaxes Imperil Left's Race War"), while Fox's actual war on cancel culture is in full swing ("Cancel Culture Run Amok in America"). "Evidence free," really? If they aren't fear mongering over coronavirus, CNN's second favorite topic is trying to make Americans hate each other over their skin color. Keilar’s rant ended by insulting her network’s competitor: “Fox is not news no matter what it calls itself.” Funny, many would say the same of CNN. Liberty Mutual and CarShield sponsored this silly segment, contact them at the Conservatives Fight Back page here. Read the transcript below: CNN New Day 4/19/2021 7:53 AM EST KEILAR: Fox in the era of President Joe Biden is a carousel of conspiracy theories and fear mongering. So really, what I'm saying is not much has changed. But the chyrons -- those headlines that you see at the bottom of your screen -- they are getting noticeably more creative. Fox uses them to push their conspiracy theory that Biden is, essentially, senile. At least this one has the qualifier scenes on it. TEXT: "Biden Seems Lost and Confused During First Press Conference." SEAN HANNITY: The frail, the weak, the cognitively-struggling, clearly, commander in chief -- or is he -- did not do well today. KEILAR: Other Fox banners imply that Biden basically belongs in a home. And one of their main experts on this literally calls in from his retirement home in Florida. Another is this guy -- the infamous Fox doc they have on to give a, quote, "virtual medical examination." Then reaching the evidence-free conclusion that Biden is off his rocker and pushes the conspiracy theory that he's a puppet of a deep state. TEXT: "Who Is Pulling The Strings In the Biden White House?" See the question mark there? That's really just a fig leaf for a conspiracy theory. Like what? I didn't say it, I'm just asking a question. But this conspiracy theory isn't even trying to hide its identity -- "Yikes." Question mark? No. Just plain "Yikes." Fox reliably provides the public disservice of pandemic disinformation. And sometimes it uses pictures -- top health officials shown in straightjackets. LAURA INGRAHAM: These people caused needless deaths and helped fuel social unrest. KEILAR: One year into the pandemic, despite undeniable evidence that masks work, Fox's chief science officer, Mr. Carlson, suggests they're a national security risk with this screaming headline. TEXT: "Mask Mandate May Be A National Security Risk." KEILAR: When the new president marked one year of grief and loss, Fox got impatient, telling viewers Biden's taking too long. How dare the president not wrap up before the power-hour of cockamamie commentary starts? They love culture wars, from Seuss and Cardi B to Mr. Potato Head -- even extending the war on Christmas all the way to April by connecting the release of a rapper's Satan shoes to Easter. There's the broad, evidence-free declaration that the left is currently engaged in a race war ("String of Hate Crimes Hoaxes Left's Race War"), while Fox's actual war on cancel culture is in full swing ("Cancel Culture Run Amok in America"). Because cancel culture, they say, is destroying America -- unless, of course, it's Fox or a Fox ally doing the canceling. Like calling for baseball, America's national pastime, to get the boycott. Sometimes they wax poetic, editorializing by a rhyme ("Left isWoke?Until It Makes Them Broke"). Same topic, but editorializing with a simple verb and an adjective, leaving no doubt what side they are on. Which, in the case of this headline ("Falling Sperm Count Is a Threat to Humanity"), is on the side of increasing sperm counts. Quote, "America's real crisis" even though Mr. Carlson would later say this about the border crisis. TUCKER CARLSON: This is becoming a crowded country, and crowded countries are ugly, unhappy countries. KEILAR: So falling sperm counts or a white-dominated America, very bad. But when brown people want to come in, too crowded, no room. We need it for the sperm. And sometimes they think they're lashing out but, actually, they are just inadvertently telling the truth about themselves, admitting the damage that they wreak and the propaganda they peddle. Like their writing the autobiography of their network in 30 characters or fewer, give or take, that Fox is not news no matter what it calls itself.